Below is a list of broadcast messages that include a combination of outlines and notes, overviews, and media transcripts. The most recent include both the media outline and transcript. Some only have the outline available. The content is published based on our broadcasting schedule. If you are looking for a total collection of our archival sermon transcripts, navigate to the Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection to download transcripts by book of the Bible. 

James 1:26-27

Superficial or Supernatural Sermon Outline

Is your religion superficial or supernatural? Is it real, powerful, and vibrant to you; or is it just an illusion? In this message, Adrian Rogers explains the dangers of superficial religion, as well as the delight of supernatural faith in Jesus Christ.


James 1:21-27

Welcoming the Word Sermon Outline

Do you want to get something out of your Bible study? The Bible is full of great truth, but it doesn’t do you any good if you don't receive it in your heart, first. In this message, Adrian Rogers addresses the way in which we must posture ourselves to readily welcome the Word of God.


James 1:19-20

Tune In, Tone Down, and Sweeten Up Sermon Outline

If we are Christians, the world should see evidence of our new life in Christ through our new behavior. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains the importance of tuning in, toning down and sweetening up, so that we may be better examples of new creations in Christ.


James 1:13-15

The Anatomy of a Sin Sermon Outline

The devil has made plans to sabotage our lives; oftentimes, he does so with our full participation. In this message, Adrian Rogers dissects the anatomy of sin, and how the devil’s marketing skills have tricked us into underestimating the destruction of it.


James 1:1-4

How to Pass the Tests of Life Sermon Outline

There are going to be trials and temptations in this life. In this message, Adrian Rogers uses insight from the Book of James to explain why and how we face them, so that we may pass the tests of life.


James 1:9-12

A Man and His Money Sermon Outline

Money can buy almost anything but happiness. What does the Bible say about a man and his money? In this message, Adrian Rogers shares a counter-cultural perspective of a man’s wealth from the Book of James and teaches us how to live free from the snares of our materialistic world.


Psalm 139

Why Do I Exist? Outline and Transcript

What is our purpose in life? In order to know the answer, we must know exactly why we exist. Adrian Rogers explains God’s profound reason for creating each and every one of us, so that we may successfully know our purpose and find fulfillment in our lives.


Proverbs 29:1

Crossing God's Deadline Outline and Transcript

God is a God of infinite love, but He is also a God of wrath and judgment. Can a man spiritually pass the point of no return? Yes, and that is a frightening thing. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains what happens with you cross God’s deadline with an unrepentant heart.


Ephesians 5:20

What to Do When You Don't Feel Thankful Outline and Transcript

“Every prayer ought to be mixed with thanksgiving,” says Adrian Rogers. But what should we do when we don’t feel very thankful? Pastor Rogers shares the duration, dimensions, and dynamic of thanksgiving so that we may give thanks to God always for all things.


2 Corinthians 8-9

The Grace of Giving Outline and Transcript

All giving is wrapped up in grace. Adrian Rogers shares the obligation, operation, and opportunity of giving with a gracious heart.

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