Below is a list of broadcast messages that include a combination of outlines and notes, overviews, and media transcripts. The most recent include both the media outline and transcript. Some only have the outline available. The content is published based on our broadcasting schedule. If you are looking for a total collection of our archival sermon transcripts, navigate to the Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection to download transcripts by book of the Bible. 

James 1:19; 3:5-8

Marriage: Duel or Duet Outline and Legacy Collection

Does your marriage feel more like a duel or a duet? In this message, Adrian Rogers gives biblical insight and practical advice on how to confront issues with your spouse in a godly, gracious way.


Solomon 1:1-16

The Music of Marriage Outline and Legacy Collection

To be completely known and still be loved is the supreme goal of marriage. In this message, Adrian Rogers eavesdrops on the dialogue in the Book of Song of Solomon to share with us how we can better communicate with our spouses without fear of rejection.


Deuteronomy 5:29; 6:1-9

A Future for the Family Is Promised Outline and Legacy Collection

God has given us a plan for the future and a future for the family! Yet it seems today’s youth has stopped believing in a future for themselves. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the promises for the future, shows the foundation upon which to build it, and prescribes the formula that will ultimately restore our children’s hope in a hopeless world.


Matthew 7:24-27

What to Do When the Bottom Falls Out Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

Life, in its very nature, is tragic; sooner or later, the storms of life will come our way. The difference between a life built on the Word of God, and one that isn’t, lies underground. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares what to do when the bottom falls out of life, and how to have rock-solid faith.


John 13:34

Christ-Like Love Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

Perhaps our greatest human need is to be loved and to give love to someone else. Not only are we, as Christians, called to love others, we are called to exhibit a Christ-like love. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains what Jesus’ love looks like, and how to show it to others.


James 2:14-26

What The Bible Says About Faith That Saves Outline and Legacy Collection

As Christians, we are saved by grace alone, through faith, not by works of any kind. Grace is the root of our salvation, but our works are the fruit of it—they are the evidence. In this message, Adrian Rogers tells us what the Bible says about faith that saves.


John 15:11

How to Have Joy Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

The life of a Christian is to be a life of contagious joy. Yet, it is possible to know Jesus and not have this joy. How can we find it? In this message, Adrian Rogers explains the joy described in John 15, and how to activate it in our lives.


Romans 4:16-25

How to Be Strong in the Faith Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

As children of God, faith is the stamp on our lives that pleases our Father; it is faith alone that enables us to live this Christian life. Romans 4 reminds us that in spite of Abraham’s sins, God remembers him for his faith, not his failures. In this message, Adrian Rogers uses Abraham’s example to reveal how to be strong in the faith.


Romans 4:1

It's Time For Some Good News Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

In Romans 1-3, Paul addressed the fate of heathens, hypocrites, and humanity. But Romans 4 is a passage for those who believe it’s time for some good news, which is grace. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains what Abraham discovered, David described and Paul disclosed about grace.


Romans 3:9-10

God vs. Humanity Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

In Romans 3, Paul writes as a prosecuting attorney, bringing the human race before judgment in a case we could call, “God vs. Humanity.” In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals our indictment, evidence, and verdict, and explains how God justifies us as His children.

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