Below is a list of broadcast messages that include a combination of outlines and notes, overviews, and media transcripts. The most recent include both the media outline and transcript. Some only have the outline available. The content is published based on our broadcasting schedule. If you are looking for a total collection of our archival sermon transcripts, navigate to the Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection to download transcripts by book of the Bible. 

Matthew 24:35-39

The Days of Noah Outline and Transcript

Though we don’t know the exact day or hour, the Bible shares what the Last Days will look like, when Jesus Christ returns and history reaches its climax. In this message, Adrian Rogers examines the days of Noah and reveals why this day and age is ripe for Jesus Christ to come again.


Mark 8:35

The Value of a Soul Outline and Transcript

The soul is the most valuable part of each of us and, so often, the first thing we sacrifice for the things of this world. In this message, Adrian Rogers describes the value of a soul, and explains why we must be extremely careful not to gamble it for the things of this world.


Psalm 42

How to Deal with Depression Outline and Transcript

Depression is a completely valid health crisis, and it can be very dangerous. Christians can struggle with depression. In this message, Adrian Rogers analyzes Psalm 42 to show us how to deal with depression.


Luke 2:7-11

Mary’s Little Lamb Outline and Transcript

The Book of Luke describes the beautiful moment Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares about Mary’s little lamb, the victorious and majestic Lamb of God, who holds the destiny of the world.


John 1:1-4

What Child is This? Outline and Transcript

Our eternal destiny hangs on one question: What Child is this—who is Jesus Christ? In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the mystery, majesty, and ministry of the Holy Trinity.


Matthew 21:12

The Wisdom of Christmas Outline and Transcript

We don’t know much about the wise men who came to worship Jesus after His miraculous birth; however, we do know they exemplify the supernatural wisdom of Christmas. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the wisdom in how these men sought Jesus Christ, as well as the significance of what they brought Him.


Isaiah 53:1

The Biography of the King Outline and Transcript

Seven centuries years before Christ’s birth, the prophet Isaiah wrote the biography of the King, the promised Messiah, and Savior of the world. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the divine inspiration of Scripture and the deity of Jesus Christ.


Colossians 1:19

Jesus: The One and Only Outline and Transcript

Out of the billions who have ever lived, only a handful of people have made a lasting imprint upon society. There is one who stands head and shoulders above all others: Jesus, the One and Only Son of God. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals three things we can learn about Jesus Christ from Colossians 1.


Ephesians 5:20

Give Thanks in Tough Times Outline and Transcript

Perhaps the most difficult thing we’ll ever do is give thanks in tough times. It requires true maturity in the faith to see that God is good, even when things are not good. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares seven ways that our troubles may minister to us.


John 16:7

When the Spirit Speaks Outline and Transcript

There are things we will never understand until we lay down our intellectual pride and let the Holy Spirit speak to us. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals three truths we can only understand when the Spirit speaks to our hearts.

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