Below is a list of broadcast messages that include a combination of outlines and notes, overviews, and media transcripts. The most recent include both the media outline and transcript. Some only have the outline available. The content is published based on our broadcasting schedule. If you are looking for a total collection of our archival sermon transcripts, navigate to the Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection to download transcripts by book of the Bible. 

John 4:3-24

Faithful in Worship Outline and Transcript

Our greatest need, privilege, and supreme duty as Christians is to worship God; it is the very reason we were created. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the meaning, method, and motive of true worship.


Matthew 5:38-42

The Miracle Mile Outline and Transcript

We live in a very self-centered world—a society tightly wrapped up in itself. But there is joy waiting for those who step outside of themselves, go the miraculous mile, and find selfless, Christ-filled living. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the principle, practice, and power of going the second mile.


Matthew 5:31-32; 7:24

A Foundation for the Family Outline and Transcript

We are living in a time of national tragedy, rooted in homes built on throw-away marriages. Marriage is made in Heaven and it is to be worked out here on Earth. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares with us the importance of a godly foundation for the family.


2 Timothy 2:15

Faithful in Bible Study Outline and Transcript

If we want to live holy lives, to be sanctified and powerful in the Lord, we must learn how to be faithful in studying God’s word. In this message, Adrian Rogers gives insight on how to be faithful in Bible Study.


Matthew 5:27-28; Psalm 119:9

Developing a Clean Thought Life Outline and Transcript

The great pollution problem is not in the air—it is in our own hearts and minds. To be happy and useful in the kingdom of God, we must be pure in heart, and that starts with a clean thought life. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three steps to developing a clean thought life.


Matthew 5:27-28; Proverbs 5

Winning the Battle for the Home Outline and Transcript

The home is the fabric of our society, and we are at a crisis point. It is a matter of moral purity and the sanctity of the home. In this message from Proverbs 5, Adrian Rogers identifies five factors for the maintenance of sexual purity so we can win the battle for the home.


Matthew 5:20-22

It's What's Inside That Counts Outline and Transcript

There is no fooling anyone. The golden facades and outer appearances we put on cannot hide a decaying spiritual life. No matter how careful we are about how we look to others, it’s what’s inside that counts. In this message from Matthew 5, Adrian Rogers shows us how Jesus rips away the facade of self-righteousness and shows us what is truly deep down in our hearts.


James 4:13-17

How to Face Your Future Outline and Transcript

We are a people obsessed with the future; we monitor the news, looking for what’s in store for us. The only way we can face the future is by accepting that God is the only one who knows it. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three common mistakes we make as over-planners to show us how to face the future with peace.


Matthew 5:17-18

The Secret of Fulfillment Outline and Transcript

The Lord Jesus Christ is the One our hearts long for, the One who can fulfill our deepest need. He did not come to destroy—rather, He came to fulfill. Jesus is the secret of fulfillment. In this message from Matthew 5, Adrian Rogers shows us how Jesus fulfills the Word of God prophetically, practically, and perfectly.


Matthew 5:14-16

Bright Lights in a Dark World Outline and Transcript

In Matthew 5, Jesus calls us the salt and light of the world. Salt speaks of character while light speaks of testimony. This means that, as bright lights in a dark world, we are meant to be people of character and confession. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains the “Who”, the “What”, and the “How” of this powerful light within us.

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