Below is a list of broadcast messages that include a combination of outlines and notes, overviews, and media transcripts. The most recent include both the media outline and transcript. Some only have the outline available. The content is published based on our broadcasting schedule. If you are looking for a total collection of our archival sermon transcripts, navigate to the Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection to download transcripts by book of the Bible. 

Galatians 1:6-12

The Gospel of Grace Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

Man has three great enemies: sin, sorrow, and death. There is no answer to these problems apart from Jesus Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares five things about the Gospel of grace.


Psalm 37

Too Blessed to Be Stressed Outline and Legacy Collection

Few things are as debilitating as worry; it will take the blue out of your sky and the joy out of your heart. In this message from Psalm 37, Adrian Rogers explains how we are too blessed to be stressed.


Luke 22:31-34

The Dawning of a New Day Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

The night that Jesus was arrested and sentenced to death, one of Jesus’ most devoted followers, Peter, denied knowing Him three times. In this message, Adrian Rogers discusses God’s love for Christians who struggle in the darkness of night, and how they may come to see the dawning of a new day.


James 1:2-6

Learning to Endure Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

There will be heartache in this life. That is guaranteed. But in this message, Adrian Rogers explains the importance of learning to endure, as well as five extraordinary things we can learn from the trials we face.


Judges 17:1-6

The Sad Case of Vanishing Values Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

Our nation is in a battle for values; the morals and ethics that made this nation great are eroding before us. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares an eerily similar sad case of vanishing values from Judges 17.


Joshua 7:1

The Key to Unbroken Victory Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

God has planned a life of victory for each one of us, yet many Christians live in defeat. They have saved souls and lost lives. Defeat is possible, but not necessary. In this message from Joshua 7, Adrian Rogers reveals the pitfalls of unconfessed sin, and the key to unbroken victory.


Judges 13:24

The High Cost of Low Living Outline and Legacy Collection

The story of Samson is a bundle of contradictions. His story is not ultimately about his physical, mental, and spiritual strength; rather, it is about the high cost of low living. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how a few “small” sins led to the tragic demise of the strongest man recorded in the Old Testament.


Judges 9:8-15

Thorns In a Nation's Side Outline and Legacy Collection

The crisis of our nation concerns leadership. We are in desperate need of good, godly leadership. Judges 9:8-15 tells the story of a pitiful politician and a nation in disarray. In this message, Adrian Rogers identifies the three thorns in an ungodly nation’s side, and the way to righteous leadership.


Judges 11

Men of Strength Outline and Legacy Collection

There is a great and present need for men of character, integrity and strength. In this message from Judges 11, Adrian Rogers tells the story of Jephthah, a mighty man of valor, who is an inspiration for all who want to be men and women of strength.


Judges 6:1-22

Four Principles of Victory Outline and Legacy Collection

In Judges 6, Israel was intimidated and impoverished by an oppressive enemy. But God raised up an unlikely hero, Gideon, to fight for His people. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the four principles of victory in Gideon’s life, that we may be used like him as our nation falls into similar shame.

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