Below is a list of broadcast messages that include a combination of outlines and notes, overviews, and media transcripts. The most recent include both the media outline and transcript. Some only have the outline available. The content is published based on our broadcasting schedule. If you are looking for a total collection of our archival sermon transcripts, navigate to the Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection to download transcripts by book of the Bible.
The Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 marked the birth of the Church, and the burst of the Holy Flame that is the Holy Spirit. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the principles of power, as they were first given to us on the Day of Pentecost.
READ MOREOur greatest need in this world is Jesus; as Believers, it is our greatest privilege to make Jesus known to our neighbors and nation. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how we can magnify Jesus and move others toward maturity and ministry.
READ MOREGod takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants. To prosper means that God’s hand is upon us, helping us to do the things He wants us to do. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares five principles of prosperity, as found in Genesis 24.
READ MOREWe live in a fallen world of broken homes and throw-away marriages. Now more than ever, we must come back to the Word of God and seek family revival. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how to build our marriages in a biblical way.
READ MOREIn 1 Kings 18, God sent the prophet Elijah to challenge the followers of Baal, a foreign god that had captured the attention of His people. In our own troublesome days, this story offers hope for those of us waiting for fire to fall again, and ignite a church revival. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the enemies, elements and evidence of revival.
READ MOREAs we ask God to do something supernatural in our desperate world, we must pray for revival. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the source, course, and force of the rivers of revival pictured in Ezekiel 47.
READ MORE1 Kings 18 tells the story of revival in dark days. After a severe drought, God told Elijah that He would send rain upon the earth. But there are enemies of revival, many of whom belong to the Body of Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals who among us could be holding back revival, and how to pray for fire to fall from Heaven again.
READ MOREPraise is a powerful thing, in times of joy and in times of help, but especially in times of trouble. In 2 Chronicles 20:1-30, the story of King Jehoshaphat exemplifies this power, firsthand. In this message, Adrian Rogers shows us the power of praise and what to do in times of opposition.
READ MOREGod preserves the faithful (see Psalm 31:23). Faithfulness is God’s measurement for our blessing. One day, our reward, or lack of it, will be according to our faithfulness. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains what, why, and how to be faithful men and women of God.
READ MOREThe way this world will know Jesus is through the church. There is to be no disunity; instead, we have a common purpose, function and goal. We are to remain faithful in our friendship with one another. In this message, Adrian Rogers identifies seven ways we can care for one another within the church.
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