Video Programs

November 6

Monday Morning Religion

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Colossians 3:16-23 When we’re right with God, every day is a holy day and every act is a sacred deed, because everything we do can be done for the glory of God. Colossians 3 shows us what Monday morning r...

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October 30

The One True God

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Isaiah 6:1 Now more than ever before, in our spiritually confused society, we need a fresh glimpse of the one true God, as Isaiah saw in Isaiah 6. “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting...

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October 23

Having Strong Faith

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 4:46-54 In the Kingdom of Heaven, faith is the medium of exchange. Whatever we receive from God is according to our faith. Adrian Rogers says, “The greater your faith, the greater glory God gets; by f...

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October 16

Strength in Times of Crisis

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Luke 22:31-34 Now more than ever, we need a contagious epidemic of holy boldness and courageous Christians, so that we may have strength in times of crisis. Adrian Rogers says, “The most joyful people are ...

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October 9

Satan's Four Spiritual Flaws

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Genesis 3:1-5 Satan wants to bring death to our happiness, joy, and purity, and he accomplishes this through deceit, depravity, and destruction. Satan cleverly crafts subtle lies about the biggest truths. ...

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October 2

Faith: What It Is and How to Have It

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 10:17-21 Adrian Rogers says, “Faith makes God’s grace available and real to us. Grace is God’s ability, and faith is man’s responsibility.” In the Kingdom of God, our faith is the measure of our vic...

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September 25

How to Be a Growing Christian

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 John 2:12-14 A growing Christian is a maturing Christian because spiritual maturity is becoming more like Jesus. Some Christians are saved but aren’t growing. We will never know true victory and joy unle...

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September 18

An Old Testament Portrait of Jesus

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Genesis 22 Genesis 22 tells the story of Abraham and Isaac, when God called a father to offer up his son as a sacrifice. This story foreshadows the Gospel, in which God the Father sent His Son, Jesus, to d...

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September 11

Simplicity of Salvation

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 John 5:13 God wants salvation to be explained simply, because it is His desire that anyone can understand and obtain it. 1 John 5:13 says, “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of t...

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September 4

Bible Baptism

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Matthew 28:18-20 There are two common misconceptions people have about baptism: that it is either necessary for our salvation, or that it is not important at all. Adrian Rogers says, “This is a church, no...

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