Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Habakkuk 1-3 The Book of Habakkuk might be the most pertinent Scripture in this day and age. In three short chapters, Habakkuk shows us how to give thanks in dark days. There are three things to remember a...
Watch NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 15-16 We are saved to serve the Body of Christ; each of us is called to be ministers and servants of the Lord Jesus. Romans 15-16 reveals six ministries each believer is called to undertake. The fir...
Watch NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 12:1-13 Adrian Rogers says, “We’re in the business of serving the Lord, and God has given to every one of us a ministry.” As we mature in our faith, we are called to find our place of service. The d...
Watch NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 8:28-39 The Bible says there is no good person, not one. (See Romans 3:10.) Every good thing we have is due to the grace of God, in spite of our sins. Romans 8 explains why good things happen to bad...
Watch NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 9 As followers of Jesus, our greatest mission in this life is the pursuit of lost souls. Adrian Rogers says, “We are to evangelize or we will fossilize.” In the Book of Romans, the Apostle Paul expr...
Watch NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 8:26-28 As Christians, prayer is our greatest privilege and service, yet it can be our greatest failure. Too often, we don’t have the desire to pray, nor do we know what to pray for. Other times, th...
Watch NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 8:28-31 Salvation, from start to finish, is of the Lord. It is only by the grace of God that we can be sure of our salvation. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good t...
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