Video Programs

July 28

How to Discover Your Spiritual Gift

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 12:6 A spiritual gift is not a natural talent; it is a supernatural ability from God. We must discover our spiritual gifts and be good stewards of what God has given us to use for His glory. Romans ...

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July 21

You Are a Gifted Child

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:1 As Christians, our desire should be that our lives count for Jesus. We were not meant to simply sit in church on Sundays and co-exist with other believers. As children of God, we are cal...

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July 14

You Are Somebody in His Body

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12-18 The Body of Christ is not a building, it is not an establishment or an organization; rather, it is an organism—a collection of Believers with a mutual love for Jesus Christ and a de...

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July 7

Will God Impeach America?

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Psalm 80 No nation has ever had such a Christian beginning as America. But with heavy hearts, we find that America is in a moral freefall. We’ve seen this before in Scripture: Ancient Israel resonates wit...

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June 30

Redeeming Love

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Ruth 4 The story of Ruth begins with a funeral and ends with a wedding; it begins with weeping but ends with joy. Ruth and Boaz’s story is a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ’s redeeming love for the Churc...

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June 23

Five Ways to Draw Closer to Jesus

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Ruth 3 In the Book of Ruth, Ruth and Boaz’s love story is an illustration of Jesus Christ and the Church, His Bride. The advice Ruth received from her mother-in-law in chapter 3 reveals five ways to draw c...

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June 16

Dads Who Shoot Straight

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Psalm 127 Psalm 127:3-5 says, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man ...

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June 9

God's Amazing Grace

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Ruth 2 After losing her husband in a pagan land, Ruth made the wise choice to stay with her mother-in-law and continue worshiping the one true God. God honored her choice and lavished His amazing grace upo...

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June 2

It Is Decision That Determines Destiny

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Ruth 1 In the midst of some of the darkest days recorded in Scripture, we are given a love story: Ruth’s love story, one which counts for all of eternity. The Book of Ruth is a beautiful example of how dec...

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May 26

Worthy is the Lamb

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 5 Adrian Rogers says, “You will never have true fulfillment, or understand why you were made until you come to worship the One who is worthy.” Revelation 5 is one of the most glorious chapters ...

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