Video Programs

June 2

Jesus, the Sinner's Refuge

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Joshua 20:1-3 Jesus Christ is the hero of the Bible; every book, every illustration is about Him. If we look closely, we see He stands in the shadows of the Old Testament; when we do, every detail of Sc...

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May 19

Friendship with Jesus

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: John 15:12-25 It is a privilege to call Jesus our friend—to know Him intimately as a close companion. John 15:12-25 highlights five things about our friendship with Jesus: what it means, and what it mak...

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May 12

Stop Enduring Religion

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: John 7:37-39 Most of us have had all the religion we can stand; what we actually need is a personal, vital relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We need to stop enduring religion and start enj...

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May 5

Knowing God Intimately

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Exodus 33:11-16 It is not enough to casually know about God; we were created to know God intimately and to enjoy Him personally. Yet many believers will settle with feeling infatuated with His works, an...

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April 28

Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Death

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: John 11 The Book of John shares Jesus’ glorious miracles with great messages and spiritual truths. In John 11, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, revealing that He is God’s answer to Man’s death. “Jesu...

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April 21

Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Despair

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: John 6:15 Trouble is what draws us closer to Jesus and strengthens us to face life’s storms. In John 6, Jesus’ disciples were caught up in a treacherous storm, when suddenly they saw Jesus walking on th...

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April 14

Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Desires

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: John 6:1 John 6 tells the miraculous story of when Jesus used a little boy’s lunch to feed more than 5,000 people. We must look beyond the miracle and into its message: Jesus is God’s answer to Man’s de...

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April 7

Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Doubt

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: John 4:46-54 The Book of John tells us about Jesus’ parade of miracles, seven extraordinary and deeply significant events that tell us more about Him. His wondrous work in John 4:46-54 reveals that Jesu...

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March 31

Who Crucified Jesus?

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Isaiah 53:3-6; Matthew 27:1-44 The cross is more than just a symbol; it is the turning point of all history. Adrian Rogers says, “The preaching of the cross is, to those who perish, foolishness, but un...

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March 24

Why Did Jesus Choose Judas?

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: John 6:63-71 The name Judas is a name of infamy, disgrace, and treachery; yet Jesus chose Judas to be one of His twelve disciples. It was not a mistake, nor did Judas’s betrayal catch Jesus off guard. T...

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