My LWF Stories

Every day, we are blessed to receive stories of lives transformed by the Gospel of Jesus and we are excited to share these stories with you!

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Idi vo ves' mir (Go Into All the World)

Wondering why the headline above is written in Russian? Nastia could tell you.

Adopted from Russia, Nastia is a young girl who wrote to Love Worth Finding, “...Our family loves to watch you every Sunday. I really like America and my family. God has really blessed our family with his love.”

The extent of Love Worth Finding’s outreach for our Lord cannot be measured, but we are thankful to see some of the impact described in the thousands of letters and emails we receive each month from people who are praising God for mending broken lives, saving marriages, and helping people find the joy of a personal relationship with His Son Jesus Christ.

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What If You Didn’t Speak English?

Imagine you live in poverty in the most populus nation on Earth. Sometimes you travel in secret to house meetings to avoid violent extremists determined to crush the 2% of your countrymen who profess Christianity.

These are the souls who are loved, prayed for, and served, by our pastor friend, "Joe." He is one of many pastors Love Worth Finding seeks to equip to share the Gospel and make disciples

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Two Children and a Radio Signal

Only God could use an errant radio signal to reach Jhony, a fatherless 12-year-old boy in a war-torn country, and raise him up in His love. And only God could use that same signal to draw Jhony's future wife, Mabely, to Him. Theirs is a story of heartbreak and hope, of dedication and determination, of reliance and revival.

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On a Tuesday Evening in Indianapolis…

Meet Grover.  He may be homeless now, but he knows where his eternal home is and lives on the streets intentionally to share the hope of Jesus with those who will listen. Listening to Adrian Rogers on the radio sparked a relationship with Jehovah God and a love for God's Word that burns brightly today!

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Not Just Another Social Media Voice

Why are thousands of people following Gayle Rogers Foster on Facebook?

Her secret sauce is not in her inspirational posts, her speaking engagements, or her family heritage. People follow Gayle because Gayle follows Jesus.

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