My LWF Stories

Every day, we are blessed to receive stories of lives transformed by the Gospel of Jesus and we are excited to share these stories with you!

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Embracing Change: God’s Plan; Not Ours

Frank and Karen Angotti are retirement age. But you won’t meet them cruising to bucket-list locations. In fact, you won’t even find them in church together. Like other parents who are caring for adult children, they take turns running errands and leaving home for Sunday services.

They and their daughter, Lisa Marie Angotti, have all adapted to the plan God has given them for their lives. Their shared ministry is to encourage others adjusting to unexpected circumstances.

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Growing Up and Growing Together

It has been a long road from false religion to Christianity and from a rocky relationship to a beautifully redeemed marriage, but Brittany Haas is grateful she and her husband John are growing in faith and impacting others for the Kingdom…with a little help from Love Worth Finding with Adrian Rogers.

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Appreciating Pastor Adrian Rogers

We recently heard from Brent Showmeyer, a pastor in Louisiana, who said, “Adrian Rogers’ ministry, Love Worth Finding, has impacted me in so many ways over so many years. Primarily what I heard on the radio…and going through a study called ‘What Every Pastor Ought to Know.’” At the 2023 Southern Baptist Convention, we heard from many pastors about their love for Pastor Rogers and Love Worth Finding Ministries. Keep reading to learn a little more about Pastor Rogers and how God continues to use his preaching and teaching.

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Equipping the Next Generation

Research shows that three out of every five young Christians disconnect from church life after age 15.

Love Worth Finding and our partner pastors are joining hands to equip students with biblically based resources to help them grow spiritually and stand firm in their faith. Pastors Greg Addison, Daniel Jerkins, and Bob Schafer share how these foundational books have helped them to ground themselves and others in the truth of the Word of God. 

And YOU can join us in BLESSING THE NEXT GENERATION of students as they go back to school!

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When We Share Jesus

As a college student, David Peel had lots of questions about spiritual matters.  A friend showed up at a pivotal time in David's dorm room and helped David pray to receive Christ as his Savior.  After graduation, he attended Pastor Rogers' church and began to grow in his spiritual life.  David's life changed from a confused college student to a growing Christian through the boldness of his friend and the biblical teaching of Pastor Rogers.

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