My LWF Stories

Every day, we are blessed to receive stories of lives transformed by the Gospel of Jesus and we are excited to share these stories with you!

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A Passion for Heaven

What do a teenager in Nigeria, a 27-year-old music teacher in California, and an 85-year-old retiree in Florida have in common? All have been profoundly impacted by Pastor Adrian Rogers’ teaching on the end times. 

Read this month's story to discover how people all around the globe are being built up in their faith to realize that, as Pastor Rogers said, Christ has already won: “We’re not waiting to see who’s going to win; Satan’s back was broken at Calvary and Jesus is coming to rule and to reign.”

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First Things First

Josh and Erin Sinquefield rely on the timeless truths of The Ten Commandments as they parent their children in an ever-changing culture.  “They give us guardrails to live by,” Erin said. “And they show us our need for Jesus—that we are always in need of a Savior and grace.”

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You're Never Too Old to Share Jesus

Ginny’s personal ministry—doing what she can with what she has, where she is, for God’s glory—inspires us to step out in faith. We hope stories like hers encourage you to make the Lord known wherever you can!

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The Road to Truth

What do supporters of Love Worth Finding have in common with a 38-year-old HVAC technician in British Columbia? Jesus, and an appreciation for Pastor Adrian Rogers.  Matt Tremblay will celebrate Easter this year as a new Christian.

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Thanks for the Encouragement

Karl and Kay Wilson met the Lord and each other through Adrian Rogers and Love Worth Finding. Theirs is a story of late-blooming love, long-time service, and what promises to be a lasting legacy.

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