My LWF Stories
Every day, we are blessed to receive stories of lives transformed by the Gospel of Jesus and we are excited to share these stories with you!

Long Life, Faithful Service, and Good Humor
Wade Jenkins, who turned 104 on November 15, is a member of a vanishing breed as one of 16 million men and women who served in the armed forces during World War II. He has listened to Pastor Adrian Rogers for decades. “I used to try to hurry home from church. Pastor Rogers came on at 12:30 and I really wanted to hear him. Now I tune in at 3 in the afternoon on Sundays."

The Linzeys
Members of the Ron and Tanya Linzey family of Mountain Ranch, California, focus on the whole Word of God all year long. The Linzeys, who have 16 children, celebrate a holiday season that stretches from October 31, which they affectionately call “Harvest Day,” through Easter.
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Dr. Mark Castellaw
My days are spent going from room to room, seeing patients. Like most doctors, my office is busy. Handing my nurse a chart, I turned to enter the next room, took the chart from the door holder and glanced at the name. “ROGERS.” Didn't think much about it, but as I opened the door, I certainly wasn’t expecting to see Adrian Rogers. It caught me by surprise. “Oh my goodness, what's Adrian Rogers doing seeing me?”
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Norman Kahlberg
It was Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, 1980, and Norman Kahlberg wanted nothing more than to be “at one” with his Heavenly Father. Like others among his family and friends, he had set this day aside for fasting and other religious restrictions.
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“Living the Life” in God’s Grace
This is a story of redemption. It is for those who think they’re too young or too old, too new to the faith or too damaged by sin, to be used of God. It is a story of friendship, discipleship, and ministry partnership born of the Spirit’s leading. It is a story that will encourage you about the next generation of believers and challenge you to go all out for the Gospel regardless of where you are in the race.
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