My LWF Stories

Every day, we are blessed to receive stories of lives transformed by the Gospel of Jesus and we are excited to share these stories with you!

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Timeless Truth

From time-to-time Love Worth Finding looks at media trends to determine how best to reach people for Christ. While the timeless truth of the biblical message never changes, our approach to Gospel-sharing must be flexible. We thought we’d share some of the trends we’re looking at with our media partner because these trends may open new opportunities for all of us in the LWF community to share Christ.

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Don Abernethy

Take a little excursion with LWF partner Don Abernethy as he travels with the voice of Adrian Rogers as his companion. 

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Blake Krumalis

A calm and caring response from Pastor Adrian Rogers, displayed during a stressful time, was all Blake Krumalis needed to be wooed to church, introduced to Jesus, discipled, and pointed toward a life of faithful service.

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Pastor Rogers in the Word

Join Pastor Adrian Rogers of Love Worth Finding to explore what the Bible has to say about fear and anxiety.

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The Friends of Love Worth Finding

As we at Love Worth Finding look back over the last year, from one May to another, we see not only how life is rapidly changing but also how God is actively working.

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