Prayer Wall

We believe in the power of prayer. This public prayer wall is offered as a service to the LWF Community and is prayed for by the LWF Community. Posts made to this wall will remain available here for 30 days. Please pray for these requests as you review them and encourage others by letting them know you prayed for them.
(Note: This wall is occasionally reviewed and inappropriate posts will be removed.)

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June 7, 2024


Pray for this Request

Prayer for our son mike that everything turns out good when he goes to the dr in June the 10th and prayers for our brother wilmer healing and prayers for our sons Chris and Daniel meet a good Christain lady

June 7, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray that my digestive system heals. I ate a veggie burger yesterday and I think it was spoiled as now have diarrhea. Let me get back to normal soon. I can't take anything for the diarrhea for at least 2 hours as it will affect my regular daily medication. Bless you for praying.

June 7, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for the hearing to return to my left ear and for the pain, congestion, and fullness to go away.

June 7, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray and ask God to help me get saved if I’m not, and to protect my life.

June 7, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray my mother's diabetes medication and blood pressure medication work very well, as well as that she makes no mistakes in the taking of her medications. Also, pray her kidneys, heart, bladder and eyes are healthy, as well as that she has no problems with mucus in her throat.

June 7, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray that Elena would have a heart change towards Julien a guy that genuinely cares for her and wants to marry her. She just can’t see how much value he holds.

June 7, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for my teen daughter right now. She’s yelling at me continuously. I’m being calm but she won’t stop. I’m going through a divorce and this is very difficult.

June 7, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray that the Lord will relocate me to another state for a new beginning in my life. All I know is pain in this current state that I am living in right now. Thank you for your prayers. From my heart. I truly am grateful

June 7, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God for protecting me physically, spiritually, financially, and emotionally against Jeanne-Mari. By the power in Jesus' name I CANCEL every negative word/curse she has uttered, wrote/ thought regarding me. Thank You, God, for restoring to me everything that I have lost. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 7, 2024


Pray for this Request

Father God, thank You that, according to Psalm 139:5, You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way& in kindness You follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. Thank You that with Your hand of love upon my life, You impart a Father’s blessing to me. I receive Your blessing, God. IJN Amen

June 7, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God for protecting me physically, spiritually, financially, and emotionally against Conrad A. By the power in Jesus' name I CANCEL every negative word/curse Conrad has uttered, wrote/ thought regarding me. Thank You, God, for restoring to me everything that I have lost. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 7, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, please be with my nephew and his daughter on their mission trip to Mexico. Let them have a fun, safe trip with no issues. IJNIP.

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for protection and deliverance for me from confusion dementia altzheimers insomnia depression anxiety and torment ty God bless you mighty prayer warriors

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, as it's written in Psalm 86:17 please send me a sign of Your favor, that those who dislike/rejected me may see it &be ashamed, because You, Lord, have helped me &comforted me. In Jesus’ name AMEN

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray my mother's blood sugar level is normal and for her to be healed of type 2 diabetes. Also, pray she has no side effects from medication, is free of an overactive bladder, has no problems with her back, handles stress well, has normal blood pressure and has good eyesight.

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

That God would bless me with the husband he desires. And blesses me with help in my finances abundantly. I am standing on His Word "They cried to you and were delivered. They trusted in you, and were not out to ahame."

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

I'm being mistreated please pray for me spiritually and bullied. This is 2017 I'm being prayed against it has not stop people are praying against my marriage and my downfall.

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God for protecting me against Karin. By the power in the name of Jesus Christ I cancel every negative word or curse that Karin has uttered or written or thought regarding me. Lord, please let Karin leave me alone & let her stay away from me. Shut Karin's mouth, God. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Lord, please help me to speak clearer and more articulately and to make sense when I speak. Help me to pay attention to what I say, so that I will sound more articulate and clear. In Jesus’ name Amen.

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Father, thank You that every day I can live my life rooted in my relationship with You. Thank You for planting me in the streams of Your living water that all the opposition and negative circumstances cannot diminish. I look forward to the abundance You are producing in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, please let me have an encounter with Your love for me today. Let me have a revelation of Your love, Lord. Abba, please show me that You love me. By the power in the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke the spirit of negativity, rejection, grief, and confusion off of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Abba Father, I ask You to cancel every evil plot or plan of the enemy against me. Lord, Your Word says in Psalm 91 that You rescue those who love You & protect those who trust in Your name. Lord, I love You & I trust in Your name. Thank You for rescuing me & protecting me, God. In Jesus’ name Amen

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

bba Father, I ask You to cancel every evil plot or plan of the enemy against me. Lord, Your Word says in Psalm 91 that You rescue those who love You & protect those who trust in Your name. Lord, I love You & I trust in Your name. Thank You for rescuing me & protecting me, God. In Jesus’ name Amen

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for setting me free from all witchcraft, especially from Elizabeth N. In Jesus’ name I cancel all witchcraft/ oppression over my mind/ thoughts/ relationships& every aspect of my life. I declare that who the Son sets free is free indeed & I am free! In Jesus’ name Amen

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God for protecting me physically, spiritually, financially, and emotionally against George K. By the power in Jesus' name I CANCEL every negative word or curse George K has uttered or thought regarding me. Thank You, God, for restoring to me everything that I have lost. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God for peace, Lord Jesus, for I am a NEW CREATION in Jesus & I am lead by the Holy Spirit. I claim the perfect love of Christ. I cover my entire body, mind, spirit &soul with the blood of Jesus. I loosen angels to stand guard & protect me as I am awake &as I sleep. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

IN JESUS' NAME I bind &CANCEL all spirits of uneasiness, gloom, emptiness, low self-esteem & worthlessness in my life & command them to leave & go to the pit of hell & NEVER return. I enter into the perfect rest of the Lord and I claim my healing from depression and hopelessness. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

In Jesus' name I break the curse of depression, poverty, addiction, death, heaviness, sadness, hopelessness, self-pity, lethargy, &grief in/ on me, or in the spirit &I command all demons, by the power in Jesus' name, that come in to enforce these curses, to go to the pit of hell, IN JESUS' NAME AMEN

June 6, 2024

Rex Pearson

Pray for this Request

Please pray for Rex Pearson now for a miracle to heal him from cancer and be okay now and live please keep him in prayer thank you

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, thank You for delivering me from the spirit of heaviness, from the spirits of depression, hopelessness and negativity. Abba Father, by the power in the name of Jesus Christ, I bind the strongman, all evil spirits and demons that are causing me to feel depressed and hopeless. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for setting me free from all witchcraft, especially from Margaret M. In Jesus’ name I cancel all witchcraft/ oppression over my mind/ thoughts/ relationships& every aspect of my life. I declare that who the Son sets free is free indeed & I am free! In Jesus’ name Amen

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for silencing all the lies of the enemy against me. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God for protecting me physically, spiritually, financially, and emotionally against Christo E. By the power in Jesus' name I CANCEL every negative word/curse Chris has uttered, wrote/ thought regarding me. Thank You, God, for restoring to me everything that I have lost. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God for protecting me physically, spiritually, financially, and emotionally against Gerhard. By the power in Jesus' name I CANCEL every negative word/curse Gerhard has uttered, wrote/ thought regarding me. Thank You, God, for restoring to me everything that I have lost. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for dressing me with Your Spiritual Armour. I put on the Helmet of Salvation, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Belt of Truth, Shoes of Peace, Sword of Your WORD & the Shield of Faith. Thank You for covering me with Your favour and love like a shield, Abba. In Jesus’ name Amen

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank you, God, for giving me favor with Gregory. Lord, please Let Gregory be very proud of me. Please give Gregory creative ideas about how I should decorate my office space. Please show Gregory what rug/ carpet I should get for my office. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, as it's written in Psalm 86:17 please send me a sign of Your favor, that those who dislike/rejected me may see it &be ashamed, because You, Lord, have helped me &comforted me. In Jesus’ name AMEN

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for uprooting & destroying every lie of the enemy against me. In Jesus’ name Amen

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray that God urgently gives me the money I need for housing in the name of Jesus Christ. I have less than a week until I'm homeless and I'm scrambling trying to figure out how to save myself. I tried to prevent this but the opportunities I was counting on didn't come through in time.

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

My grandson is at a Christian youth camp in Florida. Please pray that he will be drawn closer to Jesus and will walk in God's plan for his life.

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

FOR CHARLIE Today I come before you as I am experiencing anger and resentment and ask You to bless me with perfect peace.Remove annoyance and animosity from my life. AMEN & AMEN ! So Be It ! Bless Israel Today Father ! Amen !

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thant You, God for giving me favor with Raubenheimer. Lord, please DO NOT let Raubenheimer embarrass me in any way. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for 14 yo child 2 relatives told her she’s gay cuz she accepts everyone & now she’s ditched her old friends for mostly trans group. I know Jesus came for everyone however she’s been “sad” now & insists I should allow her 1 on 1 sleepovers. I said no to that. Now she’s rebellious a lot.

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Lord Jesus, loving savior I beg you to grant relief to those suffering in mental anguish, comfort to those in physical suffering and light to those battling darkness and demons’ minions. In your most holy name. Amen

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for my family the enemy is trying to destroy us. Pray for it to stop. Pray for our protection, safety, and finances. Pray for my son who is believing the lies of the enemy.

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Stand in agreement with me about my relationship with Doris , Pray That God gather me and her together and remove all the challenges and obstacles , Pray that God open the communications between us again and remove any misunderstanding and strenghthen our relationship , In Jesus name , Amen , Isaac

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, please show me what desk lamp and carpet to get for my office - a carpet and desk lamp that will look perfect. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank you, God, for giving me favor with Gregory. Lord, please Let Gregory be very proud of me. Please give Gregory creative ideas about how I should decorate my office space. Please show Gregory what desk lamp I should get for my office. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for silencing all the lies of the enemy against me. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 6, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for giving me favor with Jacques, Danelle and Ockert. In Jesus' name AMEN

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