We believe in the power of prayer. This public prayer wall is offered as a service to the LWF Community and is prayed for by the LWF Community. Posts made to this wall will remain available here for 30 days. Please pray for these requests as you review them and encourage others by letting them know you prayed for them.
(Note: This wall is occasionally reviewed and inappropriate posts will be removed.)
I suffered a brain injury which left my left arm&leg paralyzed. I have5 teenagers and a husband who can’t work while I’m unable to care for myself. Please pray for my restoration. So I can care for myself and my family again
Healing from lifetime of traumas! Supernatural displacements of plaque in brain & anywhere eles... Healing from H-Pylori & parasites! $$$ ,healthy foods,supplements,citizens to come in. Great mercy ,favour ,no rent increase,that I can reside where I am currently till Abb a says move! Thanks!
Thank You, Lord, for vindicating my name and for redeeming me. God, as it’s written in Psalm 86:17, please send me a sign of Your favour, that those who dislike/rejected/ mocked me may see it and be ashamed of themselves. You, Lord, have helped me and comforted me. In Jesus’ name AMEN
God, please show me that You love me. Please let me have an encounter of Your love for me. In Jesus' name AMEN
Please pray that the Lord will protect me in my meeting on Wednesday and that I will enjoy my job
Please pray for protection healing and deliverance for me from confusion forgetfulness dementia altzheimers anxiety panic attacks fear depression torment torture and trauma God bless you mighty prayer warriors
Please pray for me. I’m about to go into a very tense meeting at work. I’m being set and two workers want me gone. My heart is breaking and very troubled. Thank You
I need prayer. Just recently experienced something so frustrating that had me using inappropriate language. Please pray for me. I need to grow up and stop acting like a brat.
Please pray for my 21 year old nephew, who is struggling with drug addiction. As someone who has been there & is still struggling at almost 40 years old, I pray God can help him overcome his struggles so he can put this behind him. Please pray for my strength as well, so I can be a good example.
Pray for GOD to see my situation and pain and the unfairness and to intervene and act on my behalf and not hurt me anymore but choose me and elevate me above those who got away with hurting me and provide for me and to do it NOW
Please pray for me to have a deeper revelation of the love of God. I have alot of fears and God's word says His perfect love cast out fear. Thank.you.
Please pray for Leo's knees to be healed and for them not to hurt when he has to stand all day at work. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it!
Please pray for me. I am in deep distress and in spiritual warfare with strongholds and I have nothing left. God help me. God please. Thank you for praying.
Prayer for our sons Chris and Daniel meet a good Christain lady and prayer for our daughter depression and prayer for our blood pressure
Pray my mother's diabetes medication and blood pressure medication work very well, as well as that she makes no mistakes in the taking of her medications. Also, pray her kidneys, heart, bladder and eyes are healthy, as well as that she has no problems with mucus in her throat.
Shalom brothers and sisters, we have an Outreach here in Salzburg (Austria) on Sunday and ask for your prayersupport, so Holy Spirit can led people to repantance to be saved in Jesus Christ, in Jesus name Amen Prais to God
Cliff is still looking for a job...please pray he gets one soon...thank you and God bless
Please pray for us. In Jesus Name Amen -Tammy and Jake
Pray that I can get favor in my boss eyes; that my boss will be supportive, compassionate, understanding and flexible. ALSO, we been asked to come back in 4days starting July. Pray that Governor will reserve this executive order, that we can CONTINUE to work remotely.
Feel like my life is over, all tables have been turned on me, getting a divorce from a cheater who abandoned us, yet my 2 kids act like he’s a great guy every month or so when he makes a showing. Having a really hard time. Other people have turned ugly & untrustworthy in the process. Please pray
Please pray for victory in Court for my husband and I April 2. Thank you and God bless.
Please pray for my daughter Erica she is lost soul right now. Pray God will interven and get her back on the right path In Jesus Name. Thank you
Please pray that I can break free from masturbation and pornography once and for all. May God cleanse my mind of these imoral images that keep coming back. Thank you.
In the name of Jesus Christ I cancel every mind control or witchcraft prayer that anyone has prayed regarding me. In Jesus’ name Amen
My husband Caldwell had 2 strokes and now Parkinson's dementia. Life can be very tuff as I try to care for him.hallucinations happen and a lot of the time he doesn't know it's me his wife. I pray each day with him but would like some prayer support as at times things get overwhelming.
Thank You God for giving me wisdom from heaven. Thank You for giving me practical wisdom for every day tasks. In Jesus’ name Amen
Pray my mother's blood sugar level is normal and for her to be healed of type 2 diabetes. Also, pray she has no side effects from medication, is free of an overactive bladder, has no problems with her back, handles stress well, has normal blood pressure and has good eyesight.
Please pray for protection healing and deliverance for me from confusion forgetfulness dementia altzheimers anxiety depression,torment trauma torture and torment God bless you mighty prayer warriors
Please pray for healing spiritually & emotionally, thatmy faith, trust & hope be strengthened & restored.
Please pray that I can have more faith and trust in GOD in my very hard circumstances. In Jesus Christ's Name Amen
LORD help me get myself together. SO I feel ontop of it, ready to conquer the world/motherhood, hopeful and ready to actively do and be what I need and dream to be. Accomplished. Organized. HELP MY SONS BEHAVE LIKE GENTLEMEN, BE RESPECTFUL TO ME AND OTHERS AND EXCEL IN SCHOOL. STRAIGHTEN THEIR PATHS
Pray for certain angelic activity, unspoken requests, healing, my situations, my conscience, peace, my friendships, provision, my future, my investments, no fear, my faith, & my job. Pray for weather concerns, my transportation, for well-being, great strength, freedom, holiness, & repentance. Tks.
Prayers to our Father, Ty for keeping us safe in tougher than tough times. Please forgive me for breaking sabbath day and working. I have asked help from my churches and fellow Christians, no help is offered. Please forgive them for looking past an innocent child's needs. Please help us find justice
God, as it's written in Psalm 86:17 please send me a sign of Your favor, that those who dislike/rejected me may see it &be ashamed, because You, Lord, have helped me &comforted me. In Jesus’ name AMEN
Thank You God for bringing amazing, supportive, positive people into my life and thank You for helping me to be a person like that as well. In Jesus’ name amen
Prayer for our sons Chris and Daniel meet a good Christain lady and prayer for our daughter depression and prayer for our blood pressure
Please pray for Leah to have restful sleep and good dreams.
Pls pray for healing from abnormal skin condition. Pls pray this is temporary and skin will return to normal and smooth with no scarring.
Shalom Thank you for your prayers!!! Currently I am in debt and have no job. Can you please pray for abundance for me in Jesus name??? God bless you in Jesus name Amen Sole Deo Gloria
Please pray God helps me find the right partner I would mutually be attracted to and that they can help me with what I'm going through, thank you
Protection from a drug addict who just showed up.
Please pray for me that the Lord would deliver me from itching and stinging all over my body and from stomach problems.
Pray Donald Trump will be 100% opposed to LGBT Ideology, be 100% opposed to Marijuana Legalization and be 100% Pro Life in his Governing as President of the United States.
Please pray for me to be healed and delivered from toxic shame from severe abuse I have suffered. In Jesus Christ's Name Amen.
Please pray for protection healing and deliverance for me from confusion forgetfulness dementia altzheimers anxiety depression and all disruptive forces torment and torture God bless you mighty prayer warriors
Pray for certain angelic activity, unspoken requests, healing, my situations, my conscience, peace, my friendships, provision, my future, my investments, no fear, my faith, & my job. Pray for weather concerns, my transportation, for well-being, great strength, freedom, holiness, & repentance. Tks.
In the name of Jesus Christ I cancel every mind control or witchcraft prayer that anyone has prayed regarding me. In Jesus’ name Amen
LORD help me get myself together. SO I feel ontop of it, ready to conquer the world/motherhood, hopeful and ready to actively do and be what I need and dream to be. Accomplished. Organized. HELP MY SONS BEHAVE LIKE GENTLEMEN, BE RESPECTFUL TO ME AND OTHERS AND EXCEL IN SCHOOL. STRAIGHTEN THEIR PATHS
Pray for my household we aren’t feeling well. Pray that my husband will give monetary support. Pray that I will miraculously get through this & life will be less stressful. Ty for praying
Please pray for healing and protection for my beloved cat Frankie. Pray for guidance for myself and her vets regarding Frankie's IBD treatment and dental extractions. Pray that her kidneys and thyroid are healthy and that she feels better. Thank you