Prayer Wall

We believe in the power of prayer. This public prayer wall is offered as a service to the LWF Community and is prayed for by the LWF Community. Posts made to this wall will remain available here for 30 days. Please pray for these requests as you review them and encourage others by letting them know you prayed for them.
(Note: This wall is occasionally reviewed and inappropriate posts will be removed.)

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June 28, 2024

Prayer for safety and wisdom

Pray for this Request

Please pray for safety and wisdom for Cliff and Mel...your prayers are much needed and appreciated...thank you and God bless

June 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for me, that the Lord wraps me in his arms, comforts me and provides me with the big blessing that I need suddenly and really soon. I need the luxuriousness of his touch, love from his regal heart and to be lifted up so far above the attacks of my enemies that I won't know they exist.

June 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Suffering with severe migraine & pcod(Irregular menstruals).Kindly pray for total healing.

June 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray peace in israel and america ijnip amen God bless you mighty prayer warriors

June 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray for every area of my life and family and future generations

June 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray that GOD will show me how do deal with the sorcery that is done to me by people I know. They have been putting things into and taking things from my house. This has been happening for years. Is there something that Satan has access to ?

June 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

I sought The Lord, and He heard and He answered. I trust in God. He will never fail. I trust in God, my Savior. He will never fail. I will walk by faith. Lord, Thank You for all You do for us, seen and unseen, past, present and future. Holy God we praise Thy Name. Lord of all we bow before You.

June 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for the Lord to Bless My Family and Myself with PEACE, Good Health, and Financial Abundance.

June 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for me to have a blessed day at work. Pray for healing, a sense of well-being and Relief from Pain.

June 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Prayer for our son mike that everything turns out good when he has scope done on July 3rd from the dr. And prayer for our brother wilmer healing and prayers for our sons Chris and Daniel meet a good Christain lady

June 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray my mother is healed of a heart murmur.

June 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray for my relationship with my adult daughter to improve and that she would continue to live for Jesus and make Godly decisions.

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray protection and delivery for me from insomnia witchcraft familiar spirits depression and anxiety torment and bondage ty God bless you mighty prayer warriors

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray my mother's blood sugar level is normal and for her to be healed of type 2 diabetes. Also, pray she has no side effects from medication, is free of an overactive bladder, has no problems with her back, handles stress well, has normal blood pressure and has good eyesight.

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Praying for God's miraculous intervention in my finances and the blessing of a loving man/Christ ordained for marriage

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for me as I go through all My court stuff I made a bad mistake and feel terrible for it and have bad bad anxiety from it and worry Please pray that all goes well and God gives me his peace through all this I believe God answers prayers I just need to let go and let God take over

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for protection healing peace and deliverance for me from confusion dementia altzheimers psycotica depression anxiety all disruptiv forces torment and bondage ijnip God bless you mighty prayer warriors

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray that I have good prostate health and better electrolyte balances and healthy kidneys,

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for giving me favor with Jan, Nico, Hennie, Cerrie and Hannetjie. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for dressing me with Your Spiritual Armour. I put on the Helmet of Salvation, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Belt of Truth, Shoes of Peace, Sword of Your WORD & the Shield of Faith. Thank You for covering me with Your favour and love like a shield, Abba. In Jesus’ name Amen

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Father God, thank You that, according to Psalm 139:5, You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way& in kindness You follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. Thank You that with Your hand of love upon my life, You impart a Father’s blessing to me. I receive Your blessing, God. IJN Amen

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for vindicating me in every area of my life. God, as it's written in Psalm 86:17, please send me a sign of Your favor, that those who dislike/rejected me, who wished me ill /gossiped about me may see it &be ashamed of themselves, because You, God, have helped &comforted me. IJN AMEN

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Lord God, I declare Psalm 91:3 over my life. Thank You that You, God, will rescue me from every hidden trap of the enemy & You will protect me from false accusation. Lord, thank You for silencing every accusing voice against me. In Jesus’ name Amen

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

For God to restore me completely and sustain me

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Greetings in Jesus name. Please pray for evil alters to be broken on my life, mother's life and brothers in Jesus name. Evil alters of marriage, money, wealth, health, business in Jesus name. I want restoration in Jesus name. Should I die in this would without unsettled issues ndibapokrele banye abe

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for vindicating me in every area of my life. God, as it's written in Psalm 86:17, please send me a sign of Your favor, that those who dislike/rejected me, who wished me ill /gossiped about me may see it &be ashamed of themselves, because You, God, have helped &comforted me. IJN AMEN

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Lord, forgive us our sins and deliver us from evil. Amen ! Lord grant us Wisdom as You said You would if we asked. Also Discernment, Grace and Mercy. Amen and Amen ! So Be It ! Amen and Amen ! So Be It !

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray that GOD will remove some satanic occult people from my neighborhood and put Christian people instead. Please pray for me to have victory over fear, doubt and unbelief. And no more PTSD flashbacks.

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for me asking the Lord to please bless me with a good apartment in Jesus name I'm in dire need of housing

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God for protecting me physically, spiritually, financially, and emotionally against Conrad A. By the power in Jesus' name I CANCEL every negative word/curse Conrad has uttered, wrote/ thought regarding me. Thank You, God, for restoring to me everything that I have lost. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You Father God for creating a hedge of protection around me, my office, house& car. Please send me 10000 times the amount of angelic protection that I normally receive. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for giving me favor & preference with Micaela, Shando, Jose and Mr Kelly. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray the Lord Jesus heals my high blood pressure, fatigue & shortness of breath, high heart rate, stomach & gas, & grants me peace & deep continuous sleep tonight & every night. Pray for new BP med to work. Pray against heart attack, brain stroke, blood clot. In Jesus name. Amen.

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Prayer for our son mike that everything turns out good when he goes have a scope done july the 3rd on his badder and prayer for our brother wilmer healing and prayers for our sons Chris and Daniel meet a good Christain lady

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for vindicating me in every area of my life. God, as it's written in Psalm 86:17, please send me a sign of Your favor, that those who dislike/rejected me, who wished me ill /gossiped about me may see it &be ashamed of themselves, because You, God, have helped &comforted me. IJN AMEN

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray my nephew and his wife attend church every Sunday. Also, pray they experience a revolution in their walk with Jesus Christ.

June 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Greetings in Jesus name. Please pray for me. For my safety everything and anywhere I go or stay. For my business ideas, investors and partners to go well. For my side hustle jobs and online money to get with srd. For my interviews and remote jobs. For zukisa to stop bad mouthing me or cursing me. Ev

June 26, 2024

Urgent- Tree fell on House

Pray for this Request

Need Miracle for Repairs of house and prevention of other trees. It is a miracle, I am alive.. and my dog. But, I also have to deal with an estranged spouse who has been doing MUCH evil towards me. PROTECTION and Grace Lord! Mercy God, Mercy

June 26, 2024


Pray for this Request

Exodus 23:20-31 King James Version 20 Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. 21 Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him. 22 But if thou shal

June 26, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray my local church reinstates Sunday School Classes for all applicable age groups to be held at the Church between the 2 Sunday Morning Church Services on a weekly basis.

June 26, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for no more heavy rain for my area. We need a chance to dry out. Please pray that GOD will meet my needs and this time of so many bad and hard things will end.

June 26, 2024


Pray for this Request

For God to restore me completely and sustain me

June 26, 2024


Pray for this Request

Exodus 23:20-31 King James Version 20 Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. 21 Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him. 22 But if thou shalt

June 26, 2024

Jonathan Beyer

Pray for this Request

My name is Jonathan Beyer from New Jersey, USA. I am getting a lot of demonic attacks from demons and astral travelers that are doing witchcraft on me. They also are stealing things from me in the spirit or astral. Please pray for anything that they stole to be returned 7fold.

June 26, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for protection peace and deliverance for me from withdrawls anxiety all disruptive forces torment and bondage ty god bless you

June 26, 2024


Pray for this Request

Prayer for me to stand strong in these last days and give me peace.

June 26, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray that God will give me peace. I am struggling with panic attacks.. Please pray for me!!!

June 26, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for giving me favor with Jean. Please let Jean be very happy with me and with my work. Please let her only have good & positive things to say about me and my work. In Jesus' name AMEN

June 26, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, thank You for exposing every lie of the enemy against me. Lord, I declare Isaiah 54:17 that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. God, silence every accusing voice against me. Thankyou for vindicating me, Lord. In Jesus’ name Amen

June 26, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God for creating a hedge of protection around me, my office, house& car. Please send me 10000 times the amount of angelic protection that I normally receive. In Jesus' name AMEN

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