Explain your schedule of daily Bible reading. Is this the same as your devotional reading?

My [Adrian Rogers] quiet time and devotional reading time are individualized to fit my particular need. For me, prayer is the secret of fruitfulness in ministry. Most mornings begin with the sharing of a prayer and devotional time with Joyce. We read from Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for His Highest and other devotional materials, and pray each morning for our children, for specific needs of the church, and for a different nation of the world. 

When Joyce and I have finished praying, I generally go to my study and give myself to a more serious study of the Word of God and prayer. 

There are times when I enter my study and only seek the face of God in prayer. I would say that my life does not so much consist of long prayers, but, rather, of much praying. I find myself constantly praying for people. As I write letters, I pray for that person; as I read church bulletins, I pray for the pastors of those churches. The most valuable contribution a preacher can make is not when he is before his people talking about God, but when he is before God talking about his people.

*This question and answer were extracted from "Love Worth Finding: The Life of Adrian Rogers and His Philosophy of Preaching.”