
Why must there be a mediator between Man and God?

God is holy, righteous, and just. Man is sinful, unrighteous, and unjust. Light has no fellowship with darkness. Light and dark cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Therefore, something had to be done about sin; someone had to mediate between God and Man. So, Jesus stepped in.

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What does “saved by grace through faith” mean?

The term “saved by grace through faith” is used to describe the foundational truth of salvation in Christ Jesus. To better understand this term, let’s look to Scripture. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Now, let’s break that passage down.

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What does “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” mean?

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is mentioned in two passages in the New Testament. Both describe the act of the willful rejection of the Holy Spirit’s promptings to receive Jesus as Savior. Let’s look at both passages and see specifically what God’s Word says.

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Can Christians lose their salvation?

Can Christians lose their salvation? Absolutely not! There are two things Christians can know for sure about salvation. We can know that we are His, and we can know that we cannot lose our salvation. These assurances are found directly in Scripture.

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What is the difference between belief and trust?

Many believe that God exists, but they do not have a personal relationship with Him. The difference between belief and trust is in the action involved in trusting. You can believe something one day and then change your mind the next. But to put your trust in something—to have faith in something—is to commit to aligning your actions with your belief.

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What if I don't regret my sins?

If you understand what sin is, then you should know that you need forgiveness. Sin is a moral affront to a holy God. We have offended God and because He is just, He must punish sin. And we deserve punishment! Yet, God loves us. Pastor Adrian Rogers says, “No one has ever sinned themselves beyond the love of God. Sin is not just breaking God’s laws; it is breaking His heart.”

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How can I be sure I am saved?

There are several ways you can be absolutely sure that you are saved. First and foremost, you can know you're saved because Jesus Christ died for you. You can also know you're saved because of the internal witness of the Holy Spirit. Finally, the Bible itself assures you that you're saved.

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