Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross, rose again, and ascended to Heaven. He performed miracles, He healed the sick, and He spent most of His time with the poor, outcasts, and those considered to be particularly sinful, such as tax collectors and prostitutes.
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Jesus is important for so many reasons. First and foremost, Jesus is important because He has made it possible for us to be made right in our relationship with God. The Bible also says that Jesus is the King of Kings and has been exalted to the highest, most important place in the universe.
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Throughout history, Christians have used the phrase “Trinity” to communicate the biblical truth that there is one God who is three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each of these persons is fully God and each is distinct, yet they are one God. To state it another way, the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. Each is God, and together they comprise one God. So yes, Jesus is God, but He is not the same as the Father or the Holy Spirit.
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Even if you don't believe that Jesus was the Son of God, there are many proofs that He was a real person who walked the face of the Earth.
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The Bible tells us that Jesus is the "only Son of God," (John 3:18) and that He was both fully human and fully divine. Jesus is the creator of all things. He Himself could not be created because all things were created by Him.
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