What is tithing?

The gift is not about the size of the gift but about the attitude behind the gift. Later in Genesis 14, we see Abraham give a tithe to the LORD through Melchizedek, a king and a priest of God Most High (El Elyon). Later in the Old Testament, God gave the Law to the children of Israel, and in it were commands to give tithes and offerings. (See Leviticus 27 and Deuteronomy 14). In the Law, God gave instructions for the people to tithe to support the temple and the priests, and to assist the poor. Tithing shows both a willingness to be obedient to the LORD and your devotion to Him, meaning where the love of your heart is directed. God tells us clearly that we cannot outgive Him. He says if we will be obedient in this, He, in turn, will bless us because of our obedience. (See Malachi 3:10.) This does not mean that we give to get, nor does it mean that we will be rich if we give. However, if our attitude in giving is good, so will His blessings be. Some may be tangible blessings but mostly they will be spiritual blessings that last much longer and are worth so much more! You may not be able to tithe a tenth of your gross at first, but you can give something. Trust Him with a little and ask Him to help it grow to a tenth. Remember, it’s the attitude of your heart that He is looking at. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 that “...God loves a cheerful giver.” Therefore, give to God a tithe of your time, your talents, and your finances with a grateful heart, and watch your relationship with the LORD blossom!