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Spiritual Disciplines

True Friends Share Jesus

A true friend shares Jesus because He is the perfect example of real love and friendship. A true and godly friend is someone who shares, sharpens, and sticks—even in difficult times. Real friendships are built intentionally as our words and actions show people we accept them, appreciate them, and assure them of God’s love.


End Times

The Christian’s Response to Religious Persecution

In these last days, the Church will see increasing persecution; no genuine Christian is exempt. Believers will be pursued and discriminated against by those who hate Jesus. Christians must expect persecution, endure it, and use it to return good for evil. We should also rejoice because we are counted worthy to suffer for the name of Christ Jesus.


End Times

Anticipating The Blessed Hope

In these increasingly dark days, we may wonder if there is hope for us. As believers, we can live in the light of the blessed hope that Jesus Christ is coming again. In this message, Adrian Rogers describes what this hope means for us, as we anticipate Christ’s return.


End Times

Understanding the Great Tribulation

While we wait for Jesus to come back, we must understand the wrath that is to come. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares insight on the Great Tribulation, and what we must do as we wait for Christ’s return.


End Times

Signs of the End Times in the Bible

Mankind has always been fascinated with knowing the future; our only reliable source of prophecy is the Word of God. In Matthew 24, Jesus prophesied His return to Earth, offering signs of the times. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares eight signs that indicate the beginning of the end.


End Times

The Antichrist and the Beast in Revelation

Revelation 13 unveils Satan’s counterfeit messiah, the Antichrist, who will rise to power during the Great Tribulation. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the nature of this beast to help us understand the darkness to come.


End Times

End Times Prophecy: The Second Coming of Jesus

In this message from 2 Thessalonians, Adrian Rogers reveals we are living in the beginning of the end. As we contemplate the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are not to be disturbed or deceived. And if we trust in Him, we will not be disappointed.


End Times

End Times Prophecy in God’s Word is Clear

The days are growing gloriously dark as prophecy leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ unfolds. But God is not dismayed; neither should we be. As we wait for Jesus, the shared mission of every believer to bring people to Him and to encourage one another in the faith is urgent.


Ten Commandments

10th Commandment: You Shall Not Covet

If we will teach our children to take the 10th commandment, “You shall not covet,” to heart, our children will avoid many other sins. We do this by teaching contentment and living contentedly as examples.


Ten Commandments

9th Commandment: You Shall Not Bear False Witness

Truth may be in short supply these days, but it should not be so among God’s people. The ninth commandment reminds us to teach our families what it means to lives of Truth with a capital “T”.

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