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Ten Commandments

8th Commandment: You Shall Not Steal

The eighth commandment, “You shall not steal,” isn’t just about direct stealing, such as robbing a bank. We need to teach our children to work hard so they live with integrity as employees and employers, to give back to God because He owns everything, and to give others the love and courtesy God inspires in His people.


Ten Commandments

7th Commandment: You Shall Not Commit Adultery

God created sexual exclusivity within marriage to give families protection, purpose, and permanence. When purity is abandoned, families are destroyed and whole societies break down.


Ten Commandments

6th Commandment: You Shall Not Murder

"You shall not kill" is about more than murder. We must demonstrate respect for life. And we must encourage our families to embrace God’s command to enjoy life in its fullness—physical life, emotional life, intellectual life, and spiritual life.


Ten Commandments

5th Commandment: Honor Your Father and Mother

God’s commandment to honor our parents starts with parents who live in such a way that children are encouraged and inspired to follow Dad and Mom in following God. This is essential to the success of the nuclear family.


Ten Commandments

4th Commandment: Remember The Sabbath Day

Sunday is absolutely holy; it is the Lord’s Day. But it is a day of love, not legalism. When we keep the Lord’s Day, we reinforce in our families that every day belongs to God.


Ten Commandments

3rd Commandment: You Shall Not Take God’s Name in Vain

While cursing is one form of profaning God’s name, we also take His name in vain when we call ourselves Christians but live as if He is not our Lord. We must live in a way that honors His name.


Ten Commandments

2nd Commandment: You Shall Not Make Any Carved Images

Because the second commandment forbids false worship and false gods, it commands true worship.


Ten Commandments

1st Commandment: You Shall Have No Other Gods

The First Commandment requires us to worship the one true God only, putting Him first in our hearts and in everything we think, say, and do.


Ten Commandments

God’s Ten Commandments Will Strengthen Your Family

The Ten Commandments are out of fashion socially and have been banished from national life politically, but God’s directive to parents and grandparents to diligently teach His commands to their children and grandchildren remains. This article provides step-by-step suggestions on how to teach the Ten Commandments at home.


The Sin of Pride in the Bible

Sinful pride is an attitude of independence, ingratitude, and arrogance that defies God, ruins the heart, divides society, brings dishonor, and destroys souls. Following Jesus’ example of meekness is the remedy for the destructive force of pride.

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