Search All ArticlesThe Baby Jesus in the manger is the Son of God; He is one with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. This is the Trinity.
READ MOREThe Baby Jesus born in Bethlehem is fully God, fully man, the Messiah promised in Old Testament Scripture, the Savior of the world, and the eternal King.
READ MOREYou’ve heard young couples say, “A baby changes everything.” This is so true! There is a moment after the birth of a baby in which the whole world is transformed. Nine months of waiting have ended and a deep love previously unknown is awakened in the hearts of Mom, Dad, siblings, grandparents…every member of the family.
READ MORECan we thank God for everything? Here are seven reasons why we can thank God even when we endure trouble.
READ MORELiving a life of grateful worship means our everyday actions look like Christ, exhibit His power, and result in praise to His name.
READ MOREWe can thank God for His Holy Spirit because it is He who convicts us of sin, convinces us that we can be made right with God only through the Savior, and helps us understand Satan’s power over us is broken.
READ MOREGod does not NEED our gratitude, but He wants our gratitude, which we express as worship. Why? Does anything we have to give enrich God? If we give him our money, his wealth does not increase—He owns “the cattle on a thousand hills.” (See Psalm 50:10.) If we give Him our strength, He is no stronger—He already upholds the Universe “by the word of His power.” (See Hebrews 1:3.) God does not learn anything if we give Him our knowledge—He “knows all things” (See 1 John 3:20.); “His understanding is infinite” (Psalm 147:5).
READ MOREThe finite cannot grasp the infinite. You can know the one true God only by divine revelation.
READ MOREStrong faith comes from hearing, believing, obeying, and resting in the Word of God. As we employ such faith, our relationship with God grows.
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