Search All ArticlesWe are born crying, and from then on: burdens and problems. “Man is born to trouble, as the sparks fly upward” (Job 5:7). But thank God, believers in Jesus do not have to carry all of their burdens alone. There are burdens we are to carry by ourselves, burdens we are to help others carry, and burdens we are to give over to Jesus.
READ MOREWhy would God take a chapter in His Word to tell us about a ship in a storm? Because it is more than history—this is an illustration with an application for all of us. We can learn what to do and what not to do in a storm.
READ MOREEveryone faces storms. Rich or poor, young or old, famous or unknown, we all have trouble. What differs is our ability to weather those storms. Those who know, trust, and follow Jesus as Captain of their lives are able to stand when others fall. As the hymn writer Richard Adams notes: "He is greater than the thunder, He is mightier than the storm; He extends His hand to lift me, and protect my soul from harm.”
READ MOREWhen we consider the signs of the end times and look at current events, we ask, “When is Jesus coming again? When will the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, and the Second Coming of Christ take place?” Jesus Himself told us we won’t know the day or the hour. We do know He has told us not to fear, and He has commissioned us to share the Gospel and make disciples.
READ MOREFaith leans on God. If we will come to our Lord in humility and brokenness, and cease our self-sufficiency, conniving, and planning, God will use us.
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