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End Times

The Second Coming of Jesus

Jesus’ Second Coming will happen unexpectedly. He will rescue His Church before the Great Tribulation and the terrible Day of the Lord, but Christians today must endure surrounding darkness as we wait for Jesus’ arrival.


End Times

What is the Rapture?

Since Jesus’ ascension, we have been living in the last days. Though no one knows the day or hour, the Rapture is imminent. Jesus will come again with a shout, wake the dead in Christ, and reunite Himself with all believers.



When Parents Pray

God wants us to pray so that we’re in fellowship with Him, learn from Him, depend on Him, and seek His will. We need to knock with determination on behalf of our children. Prayer reminds families that God is good, wise, and able.


End Times

An Introduction to the Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation is about one person, Jesus. Its purpose is to share God’s plans with His people, its promise is a blessing for believers, and its prophecy includes the events that will close out time.


We Share Jesus As We Anticipate His Return

When we consider the signs of the end times and look at current events, we ask, “When is Jesus coming again? When will the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, and the Second Coming of Christ take place?” Jesus Himself told us we won’t know the day or the hour. We do know He has told us not to fear, and He has commissioned us to share the Gospel and make disciples.


Learning to Lean on God

Faith leans on God. If we will come to our Lord in humility and brokenness, and cease our self-sufficiency, conniving, and planning, God will use us.


Why Do We Celebrate Easter?

Death has been defeated. For the Christian, the future is fabulous. But what of those who don’t know the resurrected Savior?


Faith is the Heart's Response to God's Character

God reveals Himself to all people—through His work in creation, through the Bible, and through the person of His Son, Jesus. Why, then, do some believe and follow Christ and others walk away from the revelation they’ve been given? It is because, while faith in God involves the intellect, it does not arrive through knowledge alone. Just as God cannot be disproved or honestly disavowed through reason, He cannot be apprehended only through reason.


God Transforms Broken Hearts

God transforms the broken heart that responds to Him in faith.


Dress Rehearsal for Calvary

In the story of Abraham and Isaac on Mt. Moriah, we find the Gospel—a picture of the Father and Son at Calvary.

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