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Revival Happens When God Appears

Our homes need revival. Our churches need revival. This nation needs revival. The world needs Jesus! No military power can bring revival. No economic upturn brings revival. And no election can bring revival.

Revival is the sovereign work of Almighty God.


Anxiety & Stress

How to Conquer Stress—Get a Handle Before It “Brooms” You

Is stress ever a problem for you? So many folks are “all stressed up with nowhere to go,” tense, frenetic, so hurried we think it’s wrong to just get quiet and be still. We try to cope in unhealthy ways: worry, fret, eating too much, drinking, distracting ourselves by going on line, playing video games—the ways we try to cope are endless. But they aren’t working well, are they? I want to give you three ways to handle your stress that will not only help, they won’t backfire with unhealthy consequences.


Ten Ways to Love Like God Loves

Many think love is just a feeling—oceans of emotions. We get confused because English has only one word for love. But there are several kinds of love, and Scripture uses a different Greek word for each kind.


Conflict & Forgiveness

Is God’s Forgiveness Really for You?

What do you do when you’re sure you’ve crossed a line where God will not forgive you? “Not this time, and not for this,” you think. Let me tell you on the basis of God’s Word, if you genuinely seek His forgiveness and want be in relationship with Him, you can.


The Lamb Is Coming in Triumph

World events today are so disturbing, many are asking, “Could the Second Coming of Christ be close at hand?”


Spiritual Warfare

Who’s Winning the Battle for Your Mind—and for Your Family?

We thought we’d never see our local schools, universities, legislatures and even some churches make concerted efforts to change what we believe, control what we think, and restrict what we’re free to say and do.



Facing Discrimination Because You’re a Christian?

If you’re facing unjust discrimination or even persecution because of your Christian faith, what can you do?



Secrets to a Lasting Love

Do you want to learn how to keep the honey in honeymoon? There’s no better advice I can give couples than to submit to the Lordship of Christ in their lives.



How You Can Handle Conflict in Relationships

My wife Joyce and I are so different. I thought I knew her well. After all, we met in the 4thgrade. But didn’t realize how different we were until we were on a Ferris wheel. For some reason, it stopped with our gondola at the top, and I thought it would be fun to rock it back and forth. I discovered we are very different!


How To Have Mastery Over Your Mind

There’s an aspect of our lives we must control if we’re going to live this year in victory. We must have mastery over our minds. None of us knows what the coming year will bring. We must command our thought life—and not the other way around.

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