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The Greatest Event in Human History

Some years ago, the United States sent a capsule to the moon, and for the first time a man—Neil Armstrong—walked on the moon. The President at that time said, "The planting of human feet upon the moon is the greatest event in human history." 

I mean no disrespect, but he was totally wrong. The greatest event in human history was not planting human feet upon the moon but when God came to a manger in Bethlehem and His feet were planted upon Earth. That's the greatest event. We call that the incarnation. 


What to do When You Don't Feel Thankful

What do you think is the hardest commandment in the Bible? It may be this:

“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” Ephesians 5:20.


Addiction & Strongholds

The Poison of Pornography

Across our world, it’s as though a sewer pipe has broken open. And tragically we seem to be getting immune to it! What was horrible yesterday is acceptable today and a stepping-stone for something worse tomorrow. It ought to break our hearts.


Guard Your Heart

How does God intend for us to live? The book of Proverbs beautifully takes practical matters, interweaves the spiritual, and makes life the beautiful thing God wants it to be. When a person knows God and is right with God, they will find they live a perfectly natural, intensely practical, and deeply spiritual life all at the same time. That’s what God intends.



When Faith Is In The Fire

The noose is tightening. The war is getting hotter. If our Lord tarries, you're going to have to stand alone and teach your children to stand alone. They're going to face a world different from even the one we're living in.  And I pray God they’ll be ready for it.


Can We Hasten The Second Coming Of Christ?

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is imminent—it could occur at any time. Peter would not have told the early Christians (v. 7) to watch, had the coming of Jesus Christ not been something that could occur at any moment.  From the very founding of the Church, Christians have been told to look for and long for the coming our Lord.



How Does God Forgive Sin?

How does an offended God forgive sin? First Peter 3:18 tells us. Through Jesus Christ.



Preparing For Persecution - Part 2

In Part One of this article, we looked at the situation for the true Christian living in a culture where the prevalent worldview mocks and ridicules the God of the Bible and His precepts for living. And those who stand with Jesus Christ, bravely upholding His precepts against a turning tide, become targets for persecution.

We looked at the reasons why believers are persecuted. We also reviewed the results of this persecution. In many nations worldwide, the cost of discipleship is death. In nations like Nigeria and Egypt, Christians are actively being martyred today.



Preparing For Persecution - Part 1

I believe we are living in the lengthening shadows of the last day. I believe Jesus Christ is coming soon, and one of the earmarks is persecution of the saints. We see it on TV, newscasts, and editorial pages. Ridicule any other group and you’ll be in trouble, but the wrath of our culture is reserved for the Christian. The Bible-believing Christian is the whipping boy.

But there is no way to be a genuine Christian and escape persecution. Our Lord said as much in Matthew 5. And through the apostle Paul He said, “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution...” (2 Timothy 3:12).



Finding Christmas In Unexpected Places

Just when we think we’ve heard the Christmas story so often there’s nothing new, we find Christmas in unexpected places.

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