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Struggles & Suffering

The Hardest Thing To Do In Life

How is it possible to give thanks to God “always for all things”? On the surface, it seems impossible. 


Guard Your Heart

How does God intend for us to live? The book of Proverbs beautifully takes practical matters, interweaves the spiritual, and makes life the beautiful thing God wants it to be. When a person knows God and is right with God, they will find they live a perfectly natural, intensely practical, and deeply spiritual life all at the same time. That’s what God intends. 


The Politics Of Pilgrims

Some people think it’s morning in America and some think it’s the morning after. What should be our attitude toward the crisis we find ourselves in?

First, this may shock you, but it’s a foolish thought to hope that help will come from Washington. As Christians, we’re children of another world. We are pilgrims. We’re not vagabonds or strangers. A vagabond has no home; a stranger is away from home. A pilgrim is headed home. What should be the politics of pilgrims?



The Conquest Of Jesus Christ

All the great religious leaders of history have one thing in common: they are dead. Only one man has risen from a grave never again to taste death. Jesus Christ rose again! God validated His Kingship and accepted His payment for our sins with one incredible stroke: He raised Jesus from the dead!


What If There Had Been No Easter?

It’s an unthinkable question:  What if there had been no Easter?  What if death had conquered and Jesus Christ stayed in the tomb?


False Teaching

How To Spot A Counterfeit

I once read that because the American dollar is still the leading currency in the global marketplace, it’s the most susceptible to counterfeiters. I'm sure the dollar in your pocket is real (you might want to check!) but what about the faith in your heart? Is it the “real thing”?



Mustard Seeds And Mountains: Learning To Think Small

A mustard seed is very small, about like a fleck of ground pepper.  A mountain, of course, is huge.  What is Jesus saying here?  That the least amount of faith is greater than greatest amount of difficulty. 

Perhaps what we ought to do is “think small.” A grain of mustard seed faith can move mountains.

The Bible puts a big emphasis on small things. Many small things have big consequences. When an atom is split, you have nuclear fission; the smallest of entities can cause the biggest of explosions. Small things have great import.

If you want to be fruitful, be faithful in small things.


Bible Study

How To Have A Meaningful Quiet Time

Christianity is not a legal relationship, it is a love relationship. Ten thousand “don'ts” will never make you one iota more like the Lord Jesus Christ. It is Jesus Himself Who makes you like Him. But you need to spend time with Him. I want to give you five factors for spending some quiet time with Him each day.


Struggles & Suffering

A Thanksgiving Visit With Adrian Rogers

Chris Fabry: We’re going to go behind the scenes as it were, maybe just a short step back from the pulpit, and hear a personal word from your heart. When you were a boy growing up in south Florida, what was Thanksgiving like for you?

Dr. Rogers: We didn’t go “over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house,” or let the sleigh bring us through the snow, because down there it’s like summer all year long! We had Thanksgiving, but for some reason my mother just did not get into celebrating birthdays, Thanksgiving or Christmas to a big degree. I love the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. I’m an innate Thanksgiving person.


Spiritual Disciplines

It Is Decision That Determines Destiny

The passage above relates an episode in the history of Israel. What would happen to you if you were in the same valley of decision between these two mountains? Let me help by giving you seven principles of choice. Your choices—your decisions—will determine your destiny.

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