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Don't Let An Election Steal Your Song

Like many Christians, you may be discouraged about the way your nation is going. Whether you live in the United States or elsewhere, contention and infighting headline our news each day. It’s discouraging. But don’t let an election steal your song of joy.



Leader Of The Band

The home is to be a symphony of praise! There's to be harmony in the home and if there is to be harmony, then the father is to be the leader of the band.

It is difficult to be a good man and even more difficult to be a good husband. But most difficult of all, and I think you would agree, is to be a good Dad.

Now dads, are you listening? You might fail in a lot of different ways, but you must fear God and live with integrity.


Depression & Loneliness

How To Get Up When You're Down

Adrian Rogers once observed that as a pastor he had learned there is a heartache in every pew, and—as the old Spanish proverb says—“There is no home without its hush.”

We all have storms and difficulties. But what many of us experience goes beyond just feeling “down.” It becomes depression—a despair so deep it has put many in the hospital and quite a few in the grave. Depression is a killer, and God’s people are not immune.



Living By Faith

“Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, 
believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” (Mark 11:24)

At a revival in Florida God just really poured out a blessing at that meeting. It was late on a Saturday night, and I was returning through the South Florida swamps on a road back in "the boondocks.”

I was driving an old Volkswagen that had an auxiliary tank you would use just in case you ran out of gasoline in the first tank. It didn't even have a gas gauge. That night, I had forgotten that I was already on the second tank.


How To Measure A Man

How do you measure a minister? By his oratorical ability? Leadership skills? Size of his church? The budget? His brains, brawn, bucks? These are the things the world uses.

An NFL coach reportedly said, “Winning football is everything. I don’t have time to spend with my family as I ought. If I have to lose my family to have a winning team, so be it.” Jesus said, “That which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination unto God.” You can tell what a man is worth by what he is committed to. Paul’s commitment was to the risen Christ. Brother Cary, you’re going into the ministry. I want to give you some ways I believe you need to measure yourself, standards set by none other than the apostle Paul.


Practicing His Presence in 2012

As 2012 begins, each of us wants to be encouraged and inspired in our daily walk with God, and a wonderful way to do that is with Dr. Rogers’ devotional journal Daybreak: Practicing the Presence of God. We wanted to share a couple of examples of the insights you will find in this book. In fact, the arrangement of these practical daily applications was suggested by Dr. Rogers many years ago in a discussion as to what he would consider a valuable daily devotional.

“Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of My Father I have made known unto you.” John 15:15



How To Find Happiness In A World Of "I Wants"

We know deep down that all goodness is with God and that we can’t take the things of this world with us to the next. But this world is so intrusive—television, music, magazines, the corporate ladder, our social circles. Everything steers us in the direction of running on that hamster wheel of achievements, acceptance, and acclaim.

How do we protect our hearts? How do we “train” the human spirit to live according to the promise of our Lord: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33)? Let me give you three ideas. 


Obedience & Service

Four Cornerstones For Godly Living

You can build a firm foundation by following Christ’s example. From Genesis through Revelation—God’s instruction is the same: “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’” (Mark 12:30). 

If that sounds like a pretty tall order, that’s because it is— we have a big God. And loving Him completely requires all that we have. How do we do that? How do we give Him EVERYTHING?


Obedience & Service

A Heart For Servant Leadership

It was 20 years ago last month. Adrian Rogers found himself at the helm of a radio and TV ministry expanding almost as rapidly as the flock he pastored—one of America’s largest churches. Someone was needed to help build and oversee this growing broadcast ministry. Answering God’s call and Dr. Rogers’ appeal, Bill Skelton came alongside.

In prior years Bill served side by side with Dr. Rogers at Bellevue church. But here at LWF his gifts for processing, organizing, and planning bore ever-increasing fruit. In the fields of God’s harvest together, Bill and Pastor Rogers saw God expand the ministry from 95 radio stations in 1991 to 2,369 radio and 11,578 TV stations worldwide along with an ever-increasing online ministry reaching all nations.


The Keys To A Beautiful Life

As Peter and John were entering the temple one day, they encountered a lame man just outside one of the gates. This particular gate was called the Beautiful Gate, and the man had been sitting there for many years, begging people as they entered. In Acts 3:1-10, we read that Peter and John performed a great miracle that day and healed this lame man. The man immediately rose up and went into the temple. Acts 3:9-10 say, “And all the people saw him walking and praising God … and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto him.”

If you keep reading, Acts 4:4 reveals what happened as a result of this miracle: thousands upon thousands were saved—some estimate as many as twenty thousand because the Bible says there were five thousand men alone. Something incredible happened! And there were three basic ingredients.

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