Read More StoriesWhether you are going through a terminal diagnosis, a hard season at work, or anything else, nothing can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus.
READ MOREYou are made to look like Jesus. Just let Him work on your heart and be open to His change in you.
READ MOREAs a Christian, you are predestined to be formed into the image of the Son of God, the perfect One. And you can be sure it will happen according to His will.
READ MOREThe reason we often get confused is we try to put God in a box. God is God. We can only see how He works by looking through the knothole. We don’t see as He does, from eternity.
READ MOREThe Holy Spirit intercedes for us with God when we are in so much pain we are unable to speak or pray. Go to God with your grief. He will sort out the rest.
READ MOREThe Holy Spirit comes alongside us in our sorrow. Because of the Holy Spirit, every hurt can turn into a hallelujah, every tear into a pearl, every midnight into a sunrise, and every Calvary to a resurrection.
READ MOREEveryone experiences grief at some point. But with every sorrow and heartache, we look to God and know He did not make it this way, and He is making all things new again.
READ MOREWhat God wants to do with us as we pray is to deliver us from self-sufficiency. He makes us perpetually weak that we might be perpetually dependent, and then perpetually powerful as we depend upon Him.
READ MOREThe law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
READ MOREIf God were to destroy evil, God would destroy every opportunity of choice, and if God would destroy every opportunity for choice, then God would destroy every opportunity for love, the highest good. God has taken care of evil through Christ and will put an end to evil once and for all when Christ returns.
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