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March 27 • Hebrews 11:8-10

Faith is Belief with Legs on It

Faith is believing the Word of God and acting on it. If you simply believe the Word of God, that’s not faith yet: that’s the preamble to faith, the root of faith. Acting on the Word of God is faith.


March 26 • Romans 4:20-22

Making a Name for Yourself

We do not trust God and live by faith when we are trying to make a name for ourselves. We must trust the name of God given to us in Jesus Christ.


March 25 • Daniel 3:16-18

The “If Not” Clause in Your Faith

Faith is not primarily receiving from God what you want; it is accepting from God what He gives.


March 24 • Daniel 3:14-15

One Big Decision Settles Other Decisions

One big decision of trusting God can settle and strengthen your faith so that all your other decisions become obvious and automatic.


March 23 • 2 Corinthians 5:7

Building a Bridge Over Niagara Falls

Growing in trusting God can start out like this: Begin by believing God for something. He can build our belief into mighty faith.


March 22 • Matthew 21:21-22

Pray. Believe. Receive.

Salvation comes by faith. Sanctification comes by faith. Soul winning comes by faith. Supplication, our prayers being answered, comes by faith. Pray and believe, you’ll receive; pray and doubt, you do without.


March 21 • Hebrews 11:1

Faith is More than Positive Thinking

Faith is more than positive thinking. It is the evidence of things hoped for. Things hoped for means they are already there. God has promised them. And since God promised them, you can have faith for them.


March 20 • 2 Corinthians 4:18

Seen and the Unseen

Faith is the evidence of the unseen. Christians are often looked down on because we have faith in what we cannot see, but that is exactly what we should focus on.


March 19 • Colossians 4:2-4

Mrs. Harvey’s Ministry

You may feel like they have nothing to offer as a ministry, but you can pray. You can pray for your pastor and other leaders in the Lord’s Church. That is a ministry! And you’ve been called into the ministry.


March 18 • Romans 16:25-27

Grateful Giving

We give not because of obligation or even to pay our debts but out of humility and worship to God because we are grateful for all that He has given us and passed on to us from generation to generation. In response, we give.

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