Questions & Answers

Ten Commandments

What is the Sabbath day?

Originally, the Sabbath day was a day set aside for the children of Israel to refrain from working, to worship, and to remember all that God had done for them. This was the seventh day, Saturday, a reflection of the creation week where the LORD “rested from all His work which He had done.” (See Genesis 2:2.)


Ten Commandments

What does it mean to take God’s name in vain?

To take God’s name in vain is to mishandle or misrepresent His name by means of speech, action, or attitude. God’s name is a representation of who He is as God, Father, Creator, etc. God is holy. Therefore, His name is holy, and it should be treated as such.


Ten Commandments

What is the second commandment?

The second commandment, “You shall not make for yourself a carved image,” speaks to making an imitation or a symbol of what you think a god is. This could be a carving, a statue, or even a false idea. The Bible is clear about who God is and what He is. John 4:24 says, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”


Ten Commandments

What is the first commandment?

The first commandment, “You shall have no other gods before Me,” points us to the uniqueness of the One True God. Anything or anyone else you put in front of the One True God is insufficient to save and meet your deepest needs.


Ten Commandments

What are the Ten Commandments?

God gave the Ten Commandments, a list of laws for His people to follow in their relationships with Him and others, to Moses on Mt. Sinai after He rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. The Ten Commandments are given in two places. They’re given in Exodus 20 and in Deuteronomy 5.


For Pastors

What do you like to read that makes you think?

Adrian Rogers answers the question about what he reads besides the Bible.


For Pastors

Concerning witty phrases: How much of that is natural giftedness and how much of it is developed skill?

Adrian Rogers explains the art of listening well and speaking creatively to get your message across.


For Pastors

Concerning church growth: Have you changed the way you treat people that are coming to church?

Adrian Rogers explains the difference between the method and the means by which you approach church growth. 


For Pastors

How much time do you spend on one sermon?

Adrian Rogers explains how long it takes him to prepare one sermon.


For Pastors

Can you share some guidelines for sermon preparation and delivery?

Adrian Rogers shares some tips and guidelines for new preachers creating their sermons and learning to preach. 

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