Questions & Answers

For Pastors

How extensive is your personal library and how much time do you spend preparing for a typical sermon?

When I [Adrian Rogers] begin my sermon preparation, I am drawing upon work which I have accumulated over thirty or forty years. When I begin my exegesis of passage, I draw from my files all the materials related to that text. I have a file card on every chapter of the Bible.


For Pastors

Would you discuss the preparation and presentation of an effective invitation?

I [Adrian Rogers] do not prepare my invitations like the rest of the sermon. I have three or four varieties of invitations that I use and feel natural in giving without much preparation. I depend upon the inspiration of the moment rather than upon preparation for the delivery of the invitation.


For Pastors

What qualities do you desire to include in an effective sermon?

To be effective, the pastor must preach to the needs of his people. The preacher should take four steps to assure spiritual application in the sermon.


For Pastors

As the preacher shapes his message, what should be his goal?

My sermonic goal is to discover the theme in the text and to drive that theme into the people's hearts in such a way that they would be convicted of the truth in the message and moved to action. The joy of preaching through books of the Bible is you uncover and discover themes that are fresh and relevant.


For Pastors

How important is the planning of worship?

All areas related to the worship service are important and should be well-planned.


For Pastors

What are some perils of the preacher?

Many pastors are destroyed because they allow little things to enter into their lives that later become snares and traps.


For Pastors

Please address the preacher's personal character as it relates to: work ethic, clean life, study habits, and being a student of the Bible.

A minister could easily allow himself to become a lazy preacher. If the pastor is lazy, he can deceive the congregation for a period of time by talking about the time he is spending in Bible study, prayer, and ministering to the sick and lost. Unless there is a committee that follows him around, the preacher can easily develop a poor work ethic.


For Pastors

What is the importance of theological training to the preacher?

Theological training is imperative for the man called into God's ministry.


For Pastors

Please discuss the importance of a call to preach.

There is a sense in which God separates a man uniquely unto Himself, and preaching may be part of that, but the Gospel ministry is far larger than making an oration on Sunday morning. 


For Pastors

What is the impact of the inerrancy of the Word of God upon preaching?

The Bible alone is the preacher's primary source for proclaiming the Gospel, for it alone is a supernatural book. Someone has well said that the Word is shallow enough to where a little child can come and get a drink without the fear of drowning, and yet it is deep enough that the theologians can swim in it forever and never touch bottom.

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