Questions & Answers

Going Deeper

What are the keys to going deeper in my faith?

The keys aren't complicated -- regularly read your Bible, pray consistently, serve God, and fellowship with other believers.


Going Deeper

How do I study the Bible? Where should I start?

When it comes to reading the Bible, it’s better to start small and be consistent than to try to read too much and burn out. Find an amount that you can read consistently and try to stick with it as much as possible. The more consistent you are with reading the Bible, the more you’ll grow in godliness.


Christian Basics

How can I recognize real Bible truth?

If you're looking for truth, you can find it in the Bible. Why? 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God." In Greek, that word "inspiration" literally means "God-breathed." Jesus said in Matthew 4:4, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."


Christian Basics

What are the basics of the Christian faith?

Baptism, Bible reading, prayer and fellowship with other believers are some of the basics of Christian faith. 



Now that I'm saved, what's next?

Start reading the Bible on a regular basis. In addition to reading the Bible, spend time talking to the Lord through prayer. Get involved in a church that teaches the Bible and enables you to get connected to other Christians. Get baptized as a public demonstration of your new faith. Begin to tell others about your new faith. Get plugged into your new church and start serving others.

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        How can I be sure I am saved?

        There are several ways you can be absolutely sure that you are saved. First and foremost, you can know you're saved because Jesus Christ died for you. You can also know you're saved because of the internal witness of the Holy Spirit. Finally, the Bible itself assures you that you're saved.

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        How can a loving God send people to Hell?

        God desires all people to be saved and offers salvation freely to all people. No one in the world is excluded from the offer of salvation. Those He sends to Hell are those who have rejected His free offer of salvation. Because they have rejected Jesus, they must still receive the punishment for their sins.

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        My Need For Jesus

        Since God is love, won’t He take all of us to Heaven?

        It's true that God is love, but He is not only love. He is also holy, righteous, and just. He cannot allow sin into His presence and He must punish sin. Every person has sinned against God, and sin separates us from God. No one is good enough to work his way to Heaven.

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        My Need For Jesus

        Will Jesus forgive me with all I've done?

        Throughout history, many people have wondered whether God could forgive all their sins, even the really bad ones. If you find yourself in that place, there's good news. The Bible is full of examples of God forgiving all of someone's sins, even their worst ones.

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        My Need For Jesus

        I am a good person. Isn't that enough?

        The Bible says that every single person has sinned against God, including those who do their best to be good people. Romans 3:22-23 says, “For there is no difference; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

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