The proper selection of a text is a matter of major significance. Good sermon preparation requires taking a passage of Scripture and analyzing it, organizing it, illustrating it, and then applying it to everyday living.
READ MOREEverything is grist for the preacher's mill. I [Adrian Rogers] cannot give you a specific source from where I get my general sermon material, for the source comes from life itself.
READ MOREThere is but one book that can speak and give us wisdom, give us knowledge, give us understanding, and give us direction. The Word of God is not a possible source of reference material for preaching, but, rather, the primary source for preaching the Gospel.
READ MORENot only should a pastor expect results from his pulpit ministry, but expectation should be the general tone of the pastor's ministry.
READ MOREThe Holy Spirit is sovereign and His work is dynamic, creative, and demands a naiveté on the part of God's servants.
READ MOREThe preacher can produce no lasting work apart from total dependence and submission to the Holy Spirit.
READ MOREOne key to effective sermon preparation is for the preacher to discover through the guidance of the Holy Spirit the message God desires to be preached.
READ MOREThe real question is not, “What will happen to the person who has never heard of Jesus?” The real question is, “What will happen to the person who does not want to know God?” And the answer is simple: God will not force Himself on that person because He has given every person free will.
READ MOREThere are several areas in our lives where we can find opportunities to be more intentional in our witness: in our families, with our neighbors, at work, in our communities, nation, and world.
READ MORERomans 8 contains five pillars of truth for our salvation. If you take away any one of these, the Gospel comes apart. Are you predestined for Hell (or even Heaven for that matter)? Absolutely not! It is your choice. What will you decide?
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