1 John 4:1 reads, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
The Bible tells us exactly what to look for in a person who is expressing truth.
READ MOREYes, it matters. The responsibility to live for Jesus and to share Jesus with others is an assignment to all of us and to each of us, not just to some of us.
READ MOREWhen we live our lives filled with the Holy Spirit, God will make sure that there will be people around us who will notice and possibly start asking questions about our peace, patience, kindness, and other observable changes in our lives. As we remember that God’s assignment for us is to be witnesses, not lawyers, our testimonies become a natural way to tell others what we have personally “seen and heard.”
READ MOREYou need to know the Gospel of Jesus Christ (the good news), your own experience, and your assignment.
READ MOREThere are at least six motivations for sharing your faith described in the Bible. Ultimately, all six of these are rooted in living a Spirit-filled life.
READ MOREYour responsibility to those that you lead to Jesus is plain and simple: you are not supposed to leave them to figure things out on their own. You are not supposed to abandon them as orphans in the family of God. Jesus’ last command to His disciples was to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19). We are to disciple others, just as our Savior—our Lord, Jesus Christ—made disciples of others.
READ MOREThere are three things to focus on when moving deeper into a new relationship with Jesus: assurance of your salvation, a plan for reading the Bible, and trusted accountability.
READ MOREMany believe that God exists, but they do not have a personal relationship with Him. The difference between belief and trust is in the action involved in trusting. You can believe something one day and then change your mind the next. But to put your trust in something—to have faith in something—is to commit to aligning your actions with your belief.
READ MOREIf you understand what sin is, then you should know that you need forgiveness. Sin is a moral affront to a holy God. We have offended God and because He is just, He must punish sin. And we deserve punishment! Yet, God loves us. Pastor Adrian Rogers says, “No one has ever sinned themselves beyond the love of God. Sin is not just breaking God’s laws; it is breaking His heart.”
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