God desires all people to be saved and offers salvation freely to all people. No one in the world is excluded from the offer of salvation. Those He sends to Hell are those who have rejected His free offer of salvation. Because they have rejected Jesus, they must still receive the punishment for their sins.
READ MOREIt's true that God is love, but He is not only love. He is also holy, righteous, and just. He cannot allow sin into His presence and He must punish sin. Every person has sinned against God, and sin separates us from God. No one is good enough to work his way to Heaven.
Throughout history, many people have wondered whether God could forgive all their sins, even the really bad ones. If you find yourself in that place, there's good news. The Bible is full of examples of God forgiving all of someone's sins, even their worst ones.
READ MOREThe Bible says that every single person has sinned against God, including those who do their best to be good people. Romans 3:22-23 says, “For there is no difference; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
READ MOREThe Bible says that every person who has ever lived needs to be saved from the penalty of their sins against God.
READ MOREJesus healed those who had been sick for many years. He drove out demons. He gave sight to the blind and caused those who were paralyzed to walk again. He turned water into wine and walked on water. He even raised the dead. Turn to any page in Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, and you'll probably find Jesus performing a miracle.
After His death on the cross, Jesus really, truly came back to life. This is not some sort of myth or symbol. Jesus physically rose from the dead and many people saw Him and touched Him.
READ MOREIn Scripture, we discover that Jesus’ death was no accident. He was not the victim of circumstances beyond His control. Rather, Jesus intentionally laid His life down to save His people from their sins.
READ MOREJesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross, rose again, and ascended to Heaven. He performed miracles, He healed the sick, and He spent most of His time with the poor, outcasts, and those considered to be particularly sinful, such as tax collectors and prostitutes.
READ MOREJesus is important for so many reasons. First and foremost, Jesus is important because He has made it possible for us to be made right in our relationship with God. The Bible also says that Jesus is the King of Kings and has been exalted to the highest, most important place in the universe.
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