Questions & Answers

About Jesus

What did Jesus do?

Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross, rose again, and ascended to Heaven. He performed miracles, He healed the sick, and He spent most of His time with the poor, outcasts, and those considered to be particularly sinful, such as tax collectors and prostitutes.


About Jesus

Why is Jesus important?

Jesus is important for so many reasons. First and foremost, Jesus is important because He has made it possible for us to be made right in our relationship with God. The Bible also says that Jesus is the King of Kings and has been exalted to the highest, most important place in the universe.


About Jesus

Are Jesus and God the same?

Throughout history, Christians have used the phrase “Trinity” to communicate the biblical truth that there is one God who is three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each of these persons is fully God and each is distinct, yet they are one God. To state it another way, the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. Each is God, and together they comprise one God. So yes, Jesus is God, but He is not the same as the Father or the Holy Spirit.


About Jesus

Did Jesus really exist? Is there proof?

Even if you don't believe that Jesus was the Son of God, there are many proofs that He was a real person who walked the face of the Earth.


About Jesus

Who is Jesus?

The Bible tells us that Jesus is the "only Son of God," (John 3:18) and that He was both fully human and fully divine. Jesus is the creator of all things. He Himself could not be created because all things were created by Him.



How can I know that God loves me?

Proof that God loves you can be found in the Bible, the Cross, and the promise of adoption for those who are saved. 



If God is good, why is there so much suffering?

The Bible makes it clear that evil and suffering were not present when God created the world. The world is not as God originally intended it. It is under the curse of sin, and because of that curse, we experience pain and suffering.



Who is God? Does He really exist?

From the very first words of the Bible, it is clear that God exists. God is not argued, explained, or defended. He is simply presented. There is neither an explanation for the existence of God nor an attempt to prove His existence. The Bible is full and complete. It has all we need for faith. And ultimately God must be accepted by faith.


World Issues

Why does it matter how the world started?

If the universe, the Earth, and humans were all created by accident, then nothing really matters, does it? If there's no Creator, there's nothing particularly special or valuable about humans or any other life on Earth.


World Issues

What did Jesus say about social responsibility?

Jesus said that the most important thing a person needs is to be saved. Jesus also gave some specific commands to Christians regarding social responsibility. Christians are called to care for the poor and lowly, to take care of the sick, to comfort the dying, to welcome outcasts.

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