Yes, there is bibliographical, internal, and external evidence that Jesus existed and walked on Earth. Put the Bible and its claims about Jesus up to the same tests to which any ancient document is subjected, and you will find that the Bible is 100 percent historically, scientifically, and theologically inerrant.
READ MOREWhat may have been thought of as pertaining to a man in Bible times may not pertain to a man today and the same with the style of women.
READ MORESome fruits of brokenness are pliability, empathy, sympathy, and wisdom.
READ MOREWe give thanks in the sense that we realize God is sovereign and that where He does not rule, He overrules. We can give thanks in all things, not necessarily for all things.
READ MOREHow can God command us to be holy when He knows we can't attain it? The key is in one's approach. Invite Jesus in and He will bring His "goodness" to you.
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