Questions & Answers

God's Will

How can I discern God's reasons?

Like Paul, you must be willing to do what God desires, though it may be contrary to your immediate desires. Also, you must be meek, or teachable, putting aside your pride and letting God give you new insight and wisdom. Finally, you must be open, desiring God's best for your life.


God's Will

How can I learn what God wants me to do with my life?

You can learn God's heart and will for your life through His Word, prayer, wisdom, and through His providence. 


God & Government

Should pastors influence their congregations in politics?

A God-honoring, Bible-teaching pastor does not need to advocate a specific candidate. If he has done his job his members will prayerfully and correctly use the standard of God's Word to select the right candidate.


God & Government

Do Christians need to be involved in government?

It is inconceivable to me that God would ordain government and then tell His people to stay out of it any more than He would ordain the family and then tell us not to get involved.


God & Government

What are my rights as a Christian in the political process?

Render to the government what is required as God teaches us to do. Pray for your local, state, federal, and international leaders. Let your voice be heard in legal ways: voting, writing letters, peacefully demonstrating, getting involved.


God & Government

If God is sovereign, why should I vote?

You should vote because Jesus commanded you to vote! In Matthew 22:21, the Lord said, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.”



What should we focus on during Christmas?

Jesus is God’s great love gift, because Jesus came to give His life that we might have life and “have it to the full” (John 10:10). Without a doubt, love came down at Christmas.


How can I simplify my life during the Christmas season?

If you want to simplify your life, just ask the two questions Paul asked on the road to Damascus when he met Jesus: “Who are you, Lord?” (Acts 9:5) and “Lord, what do you want me to do?” (v. 6). Ask the Lord how He would have you spend your time and your emotions each day during the holiday season.



Is it okay to splurge every year around the holidays?

Ask yourself is it your gift to give or did you borrow it from the bank? Furthermore, do you find yourself buying gifts that you can't afford and giving them to people you don't particularly like? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you probably spend too much.


Struggles & Suffering

How can I be thankful when things seem to go so wrong?

As God’s children, we are to thank Him all the time and for everything. We can think of the benefits of gratitude when we struggle with thankfulness.

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