Questions & Answers


What are some Bible verses about praying for revival?

Generally when we think of revival, we think of services in a large tent, auditorium, or church every night for about a week. And those kinds of events can help to bring about revival, but true revival begins in the heart of a believer. How does revival begin? Let’s first look at Isaiah...



How do I share the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

There are two ways that we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus to those around us: by our way of living and by our way of talking. Both ways go hand in hand with each other. Now there are a multitude of techniques by which these are accomplished, but the reality is that there are only two ways to proclaim. The key is making sure that...


Evangelism Tools

How can I help other people know Jesus?

When we live our lives filled with the Holy Spirit, God will make sure that there will be people around us who will notice and possibly start asking questions about our peace, patience, kindness, and other observable changes in our lives. As we remember that God’s assignment for us is to be witnesses, not lawyers, our testimonies become a natural way to tell others what we have personally “seen and heard.”



What is Evangelism?

Evangelism is the spreading of the Gospel of Christ through various means. Evangelism is not just the responsibility of pastors and teachers. The responsibility falls to every believer. All those who claims Jesus as Lord and Savior are to share the Gospel with their friends, family, coworkers, and the people they come across in daily life. You don’t have to...


My Need For Jesus

What does “gain the world and lose your soul" mean?

This phrase comes from Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 16, Mark 8, and Luke 9. The focus of this teaching was on how following Christ appropriately meant following Christ sacrificially. This specific phrase points to the importance of choosing wisely how we follow. Let’s look at...



How can I proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

There are two ways that we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus to those around us: by our way of living and by our way of talking. Both ways go hand in hand with each other. Now there are a multitude of techniques by which these are accomplished, but the reality is that there are only two ways to proclaim. The key is making sure that...


Worship in the Church

What is the biblical meaning of worship?

The Bible promotes worship from Genesis to Revelation. Worship is a gift from the Lord as well as a command. There are many forms of worship; some include being in a church and some do not. It’s been said that worship is anything we do that makes God smile. True worship in Scripture was specifically taught by Jesus in His conversation with the woman at the well. In John 4:24, Jesus says, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”



How can I have a better prayer life?

There are several ways for each of us to have a better prayer life. These ways go beyond the normality of getting alone, having a specific place, and stylistic praying (using the model prayer Jesus gave as a guideline for prayer). While these things are important and have their place, along with those needs to be…


For Pastors

How can a pastor handle unrealistic expectations?

Adrian Rogers discusses unrealistic expectations and the pastor's priorities in this video interview.


Holy Spirit

What does “filled with the Holy Spirit” mean in the Bible?

There are several aspects to being filled with the Holy Spirit that we see in Scripture. We see these aspects in salvation, in service to the Lord God, and in the daily life of the believer. In the Old Testament, God would anoint or fill certain men with His Spirit for a specific time or a task. For instance, with young David in ...

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