Questions & Answers

What does the Bible say about same-sex "marriages"?

God made a woman for Adam (Genesis 2), not a man. He blessed the union of a man and a woman. Homosexuality was never God’s plan for marriage.


Demons, Oppression, & Cults

Is it okay to call psychics?

If you desire to find the right path, don't communicate with the spirit of darkness, trust the Light of the World (John 8:12). Don't look to the stars, but to the One Who created those stars. "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths" (Proverbs 3:6).


Ministry & Missions

How do I handle the neighbors?

Let your home be a beacon of Christ for your neighbors, and use discernment about what you let yourself and your children around. Use wisdom when spending time with neighbors.


Family & Parenting

Can blended families work?

God gave us biblical guidelines and examples regarding marriage and remarriage. There is even a blended family in the Bible that graphically demonstrates some of the potential hazards of this arrangement -- King David's family.


Family & Parenting

Are fathers necessary?

Fathers are critical to both sons and daughters. Sons need fathers to learn about being a godly man; how to fear God (Proverbs 1:7), have self-control, work hard, and respect women, just to name a few. For daughters, their entire self-image comes from how they are treated by their fathers.


Family & Parenting

Should I go back to work after having children?

Children at every stage need your undivided attention. Prioritize the eternal blessings over the temporal benefits of going back to work. 


God's Will

How do I discover God's will?

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.”


God's Will

How can I discern God's reasons?

Like Paul, you must be willing to do what God desires, though it may be contrary to your immediate desires. Also, you must be meek, or teachable, putting aside your pride and letting God give you new insight and wisdom. Finally, you must be open, desiring God's best for your life.


God's Will

How can I learn what God wants me to do with my life?

You can learn God's heart and will for your life through His Word, prayer, wisdom, and through His providence. 


God & Government

Should pastors influence their congregations in politics?

A God-honoring, Bible-teaching pastor does not need to advocate a specific candidate. If he has done his job his members will prayerfully and correctly use the standard of God's Word to select the right candidate.

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