Questions & Answers


What does submission in marriage mean?

In Ephesians 5:22, it says that wives are to be in submission to their husband, that does not mean that she is a doormat; it means that a woman is submitting to a man who is fulfilling his God-given role.


God & Government

What can we do to help bring our nation back to God?

It's not too late. Based on Psalm 80, we are to look up, confess up, speak up, and stand up. 


God & Government

Is patriotism going to solve the problems in our country?

There is only one road, a toll road, to national righteousness. It is paved with the truth of God’s Word (John 17:17), and prepaid by Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:9). The foundation of true American patriotism should be the desire for our country to be right—one citizen at a time—with God.


Family & Parenting

Should we keep our daughter from certain books?

Parents need to be diligent about the things to which kids are exposed. Somebody is going to teach your daughter - make sure that it is you. Censorship, when it comes to your children, may not be easy, but it is proper, and it is God's mandate to parents.


Family & Parenting

Is it too late to try and patch things up with my children?

It's not too late. Pray for the opportunity and the courage to be transparent before your children. Express your regrets to them and your desire to reconcile the relationship. Believe it or not, they probably have regrets similar to yours. Regardless of age, contentment is directly related to the parent-child relationship.


Family & Parenting

How can I not grow up to be like my parents?

Whether you come from a wonderful family or a troubled home, you should not aspire to live according to your genes. You should aspire to mirror the image of your Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. If you are disappointed in your family tree, let God whisk you away and graft you into the Vine.


Family & Parenting

What kind of future will our children have?

Train your children to do whatever God calls them to do. And pray that God will take care of them in the center of His will. Wherever they go, you can send them forth in confidence out of the bow or prayer in your hands into the power of Almighty God.


Family & Parenting

How can I nurture a Christian environment in my home?

Building a home is a very complicated matter, and neither your wit, wisdom nor ingenuity will help you build a happy, fruitful and prosperous Christian home. You need a divine plan and a builder to build your home. That plan is God’s Word, and the builder is Jesus Christ.


Family & Parenting

Any advice on spanking your child versus not spanking?

Spanking should be considered only when other options have been exhausted, and never as an angry response from a parent.


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