Questions & Answers

About Jesus

Is Jesus Christ God’s Son?

The easy answer is yes, Jesus is the Son of God, but at the same time, Jesus is God. We need to understand when answering this question that the Bible describes God for us in a way that we can grasp. Can we fully understand God? No. To fully understand God would be to put us on the same level as He is. We are in no way on the same level as God; Scripture makes that clear. Isaiah 55:9 says, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” However, relationships and family order are things we can grasp and understand, and God has used those things to reveal Himself to us. Get your Bible and let’s look into this a little deeper.


Christian Basics

What is the “conviction of the Holy Spirit”?

The conviction of the Holy Spirit is vital to a believer’s spiritual growth. The conviction of the Holy Spirit brings awareness to things we need to change, get rid of, or focus on, in our walk with Jesus. In John chapter 16, Jesus speaks to this and gives us some of the ways the Holy Spirit convicts us. Read verses 8-15 before continuing. Now let’s look at what Jesus told us.


Christian Basics

How can I have a strong family?

(Please take note that you will need your Bible for references.) The number one way to have a strong family is to make sure each member of the family is in the proper position. Jesus is the most important member of a strong family and must come first to every other member. Next in line are mom and dad. They have their own individual roles as well, but position-wise they are next in line because they are one. (See Ephesians 5:31.) The children come after that and then any extended family. Within these positions are responsibilities for each party.


Christian Basics

What is servant leadership?

What is servant leadership? Servant leadership is marked by three specific characteristics that we see in Jesus, our perfect example. These characteristics are humility, selflessness, and compassion. To see Jesus to imitate these, we don’t have to look very far into the New Testament.


About Life

How can I deal with difficult people?

How can I deal with difficult people? There are a multitude of ways to deal with difficult people. However, dealing with them in a way that honors the Lord is where it takes great character and strength. Jesus spoke to this in Matthew 5. The instructions given to us here require a deep and growing relationship with Jesus. Let’s look at what He says.


Going Deeper

How do you overcome adversity?

How do you overcome adversity? Each of us will face adversity in one way or another at one time or another and the Bible graciously gives us ways to face it. Here are four ways to face adversity in your life: Utilize the power of prayer, the wealth of wisdom, the firmness of friendship, and the fortitude of faith. Let’s look at what God’s Word says about each.


About Life

What does the Bible say about joyful living?

There are many ways to experience joyful living. However, do not confuse happiness with joy. Happiness is solely based upon your immediate circumstances. If things are going well, you’re happy and if things are not going well, you're not happy. Yet, with joy, your world could be crashing down around you and you could still experience it. Why? Because joy is NOT based upon circumstances; joy is based upon the Savior and a growing relationship with Him. Let’s look at seven ways to experience joyful living:


Christian Basics

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?

Let’s first define what a disciple is. The masculine noun form of the word “disciple” in the Greek is mathetes, and means learner, pupil, or disciple. So, part of what it is to be a disciple of Jesus means that we are to learn about Him. We are to become a full-time student of Christ. However, to be a disciple of Jesus does not mean that you take courses about Jesus for a few years. Being a disciple requires a lifetime of dedication and sacrifice. Now, let's take a closer look at what Scripture says about being a disciple of Christ Jesus.


About Life

What does it mean to live our lives victoriously?

For Christians, living a victorious life has more to do with the attitude of the heart than it does with the circumstances around us. Paul asks the question in Romans 8:31, “...If God is for us, who can be against us?” Now we may feel at times that everything is coming against us. However, we need to remember that we have a Heavenly Father who steps between us and those people or things that would seek to harm us. He has called us His son or daughter! He has called us to be conquerors! How? How do we live victoriously and how do we act as conquering children of God?


Christian Basics

What does it mean to have faith?

To have faith in something or someone, especially in the biblical sense, is much more than just belief. Belief has more to do with head knowledge, whereas faith is more about the heart. For example, you can believe that George Washington existed and became the first president, but the values and convictions of your life are not entrenched upon that knowledge. To know if you have faith, you need to define faith. Faith is...

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