There are many ways to experience joyful living. However, do not confuse happiness with joy. Happiness is solely based upon your immediate circumstances. If things are going well, you’re happy and if things are not going well, you're not happy. Yet, with joy, your world could be crashing down around you and you could still experience it. Why? Because joy is NOT based upon circumstances; joy is based upon the Savior and a growing relationship with Him. Let’s look at seven ways to experience joyful living:
READ MORELet’s first define what a disciple is. The masculine noun form of the word “disciple” in the Greek is mathetes, and means learner, pupil, or disciple. So, part of what it is to be a disciple of Jesus means that we are to learn about Him. We are to become a full-time student of Christ. However, to be a disciple of Jesus does not mean that you take courses about Jesus for a few years. Being a disciple requires a lifetime of dedication and sacrifice. Now, let's take a closer look at what Scripture says about being a disciple of Christ Jesus.
READ MOREFor Christians, living a victorious life has more to do with the attitude of the heart than it does with the circumstances around us. Paul asks the question in Romans 8:31, “...If God is for us, who can be against us?” Now we may feel at times that everything is coming against us. However, we need to remember that we have a Heavenly Father who steps between us and those people or things that would seek to harm us. He has called us His son or daughter! He has called us to be conquerors! How? How do we live victoriously and how do we act as conquering children of God?
READ MORETo have faith in something or someone, especially in the biblical sense, is much more than just belief. Belief has more to do with head knowledge, whereas faith is more about the heart. For example, you can believe that George Washington existed and became the first president, but the values and convictions of your life are not entrenched upon that knowledge. To know if you have faith, you need to define faith. Faith is...
READ MOREWhat is the best way to start studying the Bible? There are a multitude of ways you can study the Bible and one of those ways will be suited to you. The secret is to just start. The very first thing you do when you sit down with your Bible is not to open it randomly and point, but to pray. After you pray, then open to a specific book. A good place to begin is in the Gospel of John which was written to show us the love Jesus has for us, our need for a Savior, and how to mimic Jesus’ life after we become Christians. Those are general instructions. Let’s be more specific and answer two questions: What do I pray? How far do I read?
READ MOREWhat is lordship? The Greek word we see in Scripture for the word lord is “kyrios.” It is a title of honor and respect for one with authority. It can be used and translated as master, sir, and lord. This word has been given as a title for God (LORD) and for the Messiah, Jesus (Lord). In reference to the Godhead, it signifies the complete and ultimate rule and reign of our Sovereign Creator. So, what is lordship?
READ MOREWhat does “divinity of Jesus” mean or what does it mean that Jesus is divine? 2 Peter1:2-3a says, “Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things pertaining to life and godliness.” The Greek word used here for our English word divine is theios (thy-ahs). It is only used three times in the New Testament. Here it is used to mean divine as in godlike and in the other two places it refers to the Godhead or Trinity and is translated as “divine nature.” (See Acts 17:29, 2 Peter 1:4.) Jesus, God the Son, possesses the same attributes as God the Father, and those attributes were just presented differently in Scripture since His glory was clothed in human flesh. We see His divinity in the Gospels.
READ MOREWhat is the Second Coming of Jesus? The Second Coming of Jesus is the end-all to the world and its system as we know it. His Second Coming will be much different than His first coming. He will not come as a meek babe in a manger again. Next time, He will come as a conquering King. As King, He will destroy evil, sin, and death and fulfill the prophecies in Scripture involving our complete and eternal salvation. “Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS” (Revelation 19:11, 16). To get a clearer understanding of Jesus’ Second Coming, let’s compare.
READ MOREDid the Virgin Birth actually happen? Yes! The Virgin Birth is the foundation upon which our salvation is built. Without the Virgin Birth, Jesus would have had no way of being able to save us from sin because He Himself would have been born into sin in the same way we were. Without the Virgin Birth, Jesus is not the God-man, He is just a normal man, with no way of connecting us to God the Father. Let’s look at why this is true.
READ MOREThe key word in this question is “practice.” God is eternal and omnipresent, so His presence is a never-ending certainty. Our awareness of that presence is not a never-ending certainty, which is why it takes practice. Olympic athletes, for instance, do not sit on the couch eating ice cream and then one day decide to show up at the Olympic games ready to compete. They spend years training and doing smaller competitions in preparation for the experience. In the same manner, no Christian just wakes up and has suddenly mastered the ability to walk consistently in the presence of Almighty God. We must move toward Him. The first step is what Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray without ceasing.” What does that look like and what other steps are there? Click below and let’s find out together.
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