90 Seconds of Profound Truth

Treasures from the Word

Start each day in God's Word with Love Worth Finding.

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The Supernatural Life Through Us

Jesus wants to live His life through you....


Experience The Witness Within You

An effective witness is someone who has an experience with God....


Receiving God's Great Witness, Part 2

If you can put your trust in man, then you can put your trust in Almighty God. ...


Receiving God’s Great Witness, Part 1

We cannot live without putting our trust in other people for certain things. If we are willing to put our trust in men, we should be even more willing to put our trust in God. ...


The Mystery to Be Lived

Life is not a problem to be solved; it is a mystery to be lived. God is working all things for your good....


Rescue The Perishing People

God has empowered us to lead people to Jesus....


Do You Believe God Can Do the Impossible?

God is the God of the impossible. Do you believe that?...


We Are Promised the Holy Spirit

We are to be consciously filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God....


Satan And Superficial Religion

Satan is smiling when people put doubts about the Bible in others' minds....


Do Not Be Ashamed

If you are not endeavoring to bring souls to Christ then you are not where you should be with God....

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