90 Seconds of Profound Truth

Treasures from the Word

Start each day in God's Word with Love Worth Finding.

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The Devil Wants to Distract Us

Find out what God wants you to do and refuse to be distracted by the devil....


Are You Distracted From God’s Work?

When work for God becomes successful in the eyes of the world, then the world tries to join it....


Do Not Forsake Going to Church

As important as this ministry is, it is no substitute for church attendance....


Satan Wants to Discourage You

I believe that discouragement is the devil’s chief tool....


Facing Ridicule For God

And if you do work for God, you might as well get ready. You’re going to face some ridicule....


You Are to Confront a Brother

Whether you are in the right or in the wrong, you are to be the first to respond....


Jesus Will Be Your Bread for Tomorrow

I know that Jesus will be my bread, my sufficiency, for tomorrow! ...


Have You Learned to Be Content?

If you have not learned to be content in whatsoever state you find yourself in, you will never be content....


Faith Leads to Works

Those who are too lazy to plow will have lack of food....


God’s Kingdom on Earth

God hears and answers every prayer....

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