90 Seconds of Profound Truth

Treasures from the Word

Start each day in God's Word with Love Worth Finding.

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Do You Want to Know the Devil’s Purpose?

The devil is a rebel in revolt against Almighty God....


Who Is Your Real Enemy?

So often, the reason we don’t win the battle is that we never show up for the war with the real enemy—the devil....


Are You Keeping Watch for Evil?

If you do not understand how bitter your enemy is, you’re not going to be prepared to defend yourself....


Learn to Laugh with Your Family

If your home does not ring with laughter, you're headed for trouble....


You Must Conquer Your Child

If you do not conquer your child, somebody else will. Set limits....


Fathers, Compliment Your Child’s Character

Start teaching your children by building their character....


How to Evaluate a Dad

Do you know how you measure a dad? By measuring the emotional and spiritual health of his family....


Do You Believe in the Devil?

The devil is most clever when he gets people to think he doesn’t exist at all....


We Need Joy in Our Churches

There is nothing sweeter than being part of a church when the joy of the Lord is upon that church....


God’s Word is Valuable

I wonder if one day the dust on our Bibles is going to testify against us....

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