90 Seconds of Profound Truth

Treasures from the Word

Start each day in God's Word with Love Worth Finding.

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People Are Losing Hope

The only way that hope can be restored is in spending time in the Word of God....


When God Ignites Us

The Holy Spirit is the empowering fire of God....


For He Dwells in You

The only way that Jesus can be in you is through the Holy Spirit....


Give Honor to the Elderly

You honor those with age by heeding and listening to their counsel....


Always Respecting Your Parents

Only perfect children can demand perfect parents, and no children are perfect. But God is holy, and God says that you are to respect your parents....


The Providence of God

You don’t have to understand all that God is doing....


Do Not Criticize Others

Beware of the person who finds fault in every one and every thing....


Ready to Defend Our Faith

It is not enough for us to demonstrate our faith—we must also defend our faith....


When You Suffer for Jesus

Jesus Christ will never be nearer to us than when we take a stand for Him....


Returning Good for Evil

Even though our human nature wants to get even, Christians are not to return evil for evil....

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