90 Seconds of Profound Truth

Treasures from the Word

Start each day in God's Word with Love Worth Finding.

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Children Are God’s Blessing

Children don’t make rich people poor; they make poor people rich....


Sin Was Not Overlooked

At the cross God’s greatest righteousness confronted man’s greatest wickedness....


First, Surrender to Jesus

Jesus is not an appeaser, and He will never make a truce with sin....


How to See God

When you become pure in heart, God will become a bright, living reality to you....


Jesus: The Only Answer

The entire universe and all the plans that were and ever will be come down to two words—Jesus only....


You Need to Be Still

You need to stop and prioritize your life. If you don’t God will do it for you....


Be Still and Know God

Don't be so busy looking for life that you miss the life that is right in front of you. ...


The Needs of Your Heart

We are seeking to satisfy the deep well in our hearts with the things of this world instead of Jesus Christ, who died for the world....


Why Are You Stressed?

Satisfaction can only be found in Jesus.  If you don’t find your satisfaction in Jesus, you’re going to be stressed....


Unity Throughout the Bible

The whole Bible has the same purpose: to present salvation that is found in the Lord Jesus Christ....

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